OptiLayer 讲座报告(英文) +LZLy9iKt
共24节 vkd.)x`J,
L01 u#;7<.D
Contents T?soJ]A
1. Matrix calculation method ag#S6E^%S
2. Design transformations fg!__Rdi
3. Oblique light incidence Ug t.&IA
4. Design formulas .4M.y:F
5. OptiLayer thin film software iWB=sL&p
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Contents 1 s2>C!\
1. Optical coating model 6?mibvK
2. Schroeder’s approximation for the amplitude RLynEV;]
reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous layer }=UHbU.n~!
3. Taking into account bulk inhomogeneity in DV+xg3\(>1
multilayers Vb4#,
4. Large scale and small scale interface roughness o]` *M|
5. Taking into account interface roughness in multilayers uK#4(eY=W