How Many Rays Do I Need for Monte Carlo Optimization? ?l{nk5,?-Y
While it is important to ensure that a sufficient number of rays are traced to ,&.!?0+
distinguish the merit function value from the noise floor, it is often not necessary to 1CZgb
trace as many rays during optimization as you might to obtain a given level of TIDO@NwF
accuracy for analysis purposes. What matters during optimization is that the H*R"ntI?w
changes the optimizer makes to the model affect the merit function in the same way V}CG:9;
that the overall performance is affected. It is possible to define the merit function so cV6D<,)
that it has less accuracy and/or coarser mesh resolution than meshes used for C}Cs8eUn
analysis and yet produce improvements during optimization, especially in the early (?c"$|^J
stages of a design. kDioD
A rule of thumb for the first Monte Carlo run on a system is to have an average of at CAhXQ7w'Z
least 40 rays per receiver data mesh bin. Thus, for 20 bins, you would need 800 rays j,eo2HaL
on the receiver to achieve uniform distribution. It is likely that you will need to &p@O_0nF
define more rays than 800 in a simulation in order to get 800 rays on the receiver. ZLejcYS
When using simplified meshes as merit functions, you should check the before and #c!lS<z
after performance of a design to verify that the changes correlate to the changes of $6 f3F?y7
the merit function during optimization. As a design reaches its final performance @":
level, you will have to add rays to the simulation to reduce the noise floor so that Wac&b
sufficient accuracy and mesh resolution are available for the optimizer to find the Lqa4Vi
best solution.