我是个菜鸟, 现在准备用一个软件做
透镜组的仿真, 如上图.
bG6<=^ 由于
OSLO有免费版本, 而且doc 比其他免费软件多, 所以决定用OSLO
qm&Z_6Pw 但不知道OSLO 能否做到要求啊?
f YuM`O 网上查到oslo介绍中有以下几点
:9Vd=M6, Y[yw8a What could be designed by OSLO?
6(X5n5C •Standard geometrical optical lens system
}lzQMT •Standard reflected system
_,i+gI[ •Aspherical lens system
Y/1,%8n •Non-sequential lens array system
M"t=0[0DM: •Diffraction optical element
)5Bkm{v3 1xkU;no The limitation of OSLO:
0y3<Ho,+$ It could not simulate physical optics. u70-HFI@ It could not do stray-light analysis of a system.
A'\jaB It could not simulate complex light sources.
-Jtx9P G2,r%|7ta 尤其是 " It could not simulate physical optics" 这句, 意思是说不能做镜面和透镜组的仿真么? 还是指什么?
h1 D#, 希望用过的大侠指点一下.
#!FLX*, 谢谢