Normalize |?jgjn&RQ
Normalize the map data to the total emitted flux from all sources. (su7*$wV
This option allows you to have the flux and irradiance normalized to the total e,#w*|
emitted flux. When this box is checked, TracePro divides the values in the D0 k ,8|
irradiance map and the total flux by the emitted flux. This is especially useful for KRGj6g+
calculating system transmittance for an optical system, or lighting efficiency for a :kcqf,7
lighting calculation. ]4B;M Ym*
Example 1: System Transmittance Z[[*:9rY|
Suppose you need to calculate the system transmittance of an optical system. UQkd$w<
You would probably use the grid raytrace option, and the emitted flux is equal to 3_G0eIE"u
the sum of the flux in all the emitted rays. When you display an irradiance map, #3ZAMV
the system transmittance is equal to the total flux, displayed at the bottom of the <- sr&
irradiance map window, divided by the emitted flux. To get the system hwk] ;6[
transmittance, check the Normalize to emitted flux box and press the Apply B!<B7Q
button. The map will be redisplayed, and the Normalized Flux value will be equal _=x*yDPG}
to the system transmittance. /)v+|%U
Example 2: Lighting Efficiency DMA7eZf'Hv
Suppose you need to calculate the lighting efficiency of a luminaire in illuminating <gX({FA
a plane. You would probably choose the Surface Source raytrace option, and the Hwd^C2v
emitted flux is equal to the flux you specified when you defined the sources. When @Wd(>*"zw
you display an irradiance map, the total flux incident on the observation plane is 29 !QE>Q
displayed at the bottom of the window. The lighting efficiency is equal to the total CUdpT$ $x3
flux divided by the emitted flux. To get the lighting efficiency directly, check the UazK0{t<f
Normalize to emitted flux box and press the Apply button. The map will be )M.g<[=^
redisplayed, and the Normalized Flux value will be equal to the lighting efficiency o *U-.&
of the luminaire.