《FRED 快速学习手册》-书籍目录
《FRED 快速学习手册》-书籍目录
1 马克苏托夫望远镜系统设计(Maksutov Telescope Example) 本章节将介绍FRED软件和熟悉操作接口 l The goal of this example is to make the user familiar with FRED’s interface 1.1 使用透镜和面镜Using lenses and mirrors 1.2 定义使用者的对象Defining custom elements 1.3 在不同的坐标系定义组件的位置Specifying the location of elements in different coordinate systems 1.4 简单光源的设定Setting up a simple source 1.5 光线追迹Raytracing 1.6 光斑图的模拟结果Calculating a spot diagram 2 反射罩与积分柱应用(Reflector and Integrator Example) 本章节将指导如何操作FRED及利用线段建立光学组件 l The goal of this example is to make the user familiar with FRED’s interface as well as introduce curve-based geometry 2.1 定义自定对象Defining custom elements 2.2 建立线段,并利用此线段制作一个3D的光学积分柱Defining curves that get extruded to create a 3D structure 2.3 建立光源Setting up a volume emitter source 2.4 修改追迹时光线显示颜色Changing ray color during raytrace 2.5 建立多个分析面Multiple analysis surfaces 2.6 光照度及光强度分析Calculating irradiance and intensity distributions 2.7 光线路径分析Ray path calculations 3 干涉模拟(Interferometer Example) 本章节课程将会指导使用者如何利用FRED进行同调光源设定及观察光干涉效应。 l The goal of this example is to introduce coherent calculations in FRED 3.1 定义棱镜Defining prisms 3.2 定义镀膜特性Defining coatings 3.3 定义组合件Defining subassemblies 3.4 使用off-the-shelf 对象Using “off-the-shelf” components 3.5 设定同调光源Setting up a coherent source 3.6 照度图Calculating irradiance distributions 3.7 强度图显示设定Irradiance display options 3.8 在三维实体显示窗口贴上照度图Attaching irradiance calculations to 3d rendering view 3.9 数据汇出到档案Writing data to output file 4 孔径及削切的应用 本章节将会只由简入深让使用者学会操作,Aperture的功能使用 l The goal of this example is to demonstrate simple and complex apertures in FRED 4.1 孔径的数值修改Trimming volumes as apertures 4.2 表面利用削切功能变化Trimming surfaces 4.3 “And”及 “OR”等布尔代数指令建立复合式的孔径“And”ing and “OR”ing operations to make complex apertures 4.4 线段与表面的削切功能的结合应用Trimming (collection) curves 4.5 使用线段进行削切去建立三维的光学结构Extruding trimming curve to create 3D structure 5 进阶光学结构设计实例(Custom Elements Example) 本章节将指导大家自定对象的各种进阶功能的使用与操作 l The goal of this example is to demonstrate the use of custom elements 5.1 将透镜模型的表面修改,成为变化性更高的表现方式 Replacing the surface of a lens with a more complex surface type 5.2 将透镜对象形式转化为自定对象形式Converting a lens element into a custom element 5.3 如何将透镜转化为曼金镜Converting a lens into a Mangin mirror 5.4 定义多层镀膜教学 Defining multilayer 5.5 理想化表面镀膜及多层镀膜的差异Difference between idealized coating and thin film coating 5.6 利用二个方立方体透镜建立分光棱镜实例Using a cube beamsplitter as a generic block of glass 5.7 在二个立方体间建立胶合参数教学Gluing two blocks of glass together 5.8 受抑内全反射Frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) 6 准直雷射平台设计(Laser Diode Collimator Example) 本课程将指导如何建立准直雷射平台 l The goal of this example is to demonstrate complex setup techniques 6.1 由镜头设计软件的档案汇入镜头档案数据Importing lenses from lens design programs 6.2 建立一个具有发散角度的雷射光源Using astigmatic laser diode models 6.3 复制组合件Copying subassemblies 6.4 建立偏极化分光镜Defining a polarization beamsplitter 6.5 定义光学石英材质参数Defining an optically active material 6.6 建立半波片Constructing a halfwave plate 6.7 计算光学场Calculating the optical field 7 图片离散取点功能教学(Digitizing) 本课程的将介绍FRED的各个功能如何应用digitizing 操作及应用 l The goal of this example is to demonstrate digitizing data plots and drawings in FRED 7.1 利用图片离散取点来建立穿透/反射的 coating 参数Digitizing coating transmission/reflection plots 7.2 利用图片离散取点快速建立三维模型Digitizing drawings 7.3 利用图片离散取点快速建立多波长光源Digitizing spectral weighting for a source 7.4 利用图片离散取点建立随波长变化对应不同折射率的材质特性参数Digitizing refractive indices 8 3件组透镜设计案例(Triplet Example) 本课程将利用三件式透镜组为主题,为大家介绍FRED如何模拟现实状况下的各种分析方式 l The goal of this example is to demonstrate various aspects of “real world” analyses 8.1 如何由透镜设计软件汇入透镜模块Importing lenses from lens design programs 8.2 在FRED中建立多波长光源Setting multiple polychromatic sources 8.3 如何建立序列式描光路径进行近轴分析Using sequential paths in paraxial analyses 8.4 同时在多个表面加入材质参数或表面膜层参数Defining multilayer coatings 8.5 鬼影分析计算Performing ghost calculations 8.6 分离鬼影光线做独立光线追迹Isolating specific ghost using ray paths 8.7 鬼影光照度分析Ghost irradiance analyses 8.8 使用序列式描光来减少光线追迹时间Using sequential raytracing to speed up calculation 9 扫瞄器范例(Scanner Example) 本课程将利用扫瞄器为主题,为大家介绍FRED如何模拟现实状况下的各种分析方式 l The goal of this example is to demonstrate various aspects of “real world” analyses 9.1 由其它的FRED档案,复制对象来使用Copying from one FRED document to another 9.2 发光二极管模块的建立Working with an LED model 9.3 菲涅尔透镜建立流程Creating a Fresnel lens 9.4 图片离散取点方式快速建立LED灯罩Digitizing drawings/blueprints 9.5 表面散射参数设定Surface scatter 9.6 计算镜头上的感光组件的对数化通量显示Calculating flux levels at CCD 如需预购,请于以下网站下载订购单: www.infotek.com.cn 关键词: FRED