Abstract: The application of detecting SF6 leaking by IR laser imaging system has an important signification. If the emission line of the grating tunable laser is right within the absorb range of SF6, the reflecting line can be received by the IR detector and the system will display the SF6 leaking situation. SF6 gas will absorb more IR spectrum around the center of 10.56μm, so high stability laser output and single output frequency are requested.
mA3&<&q Key words: IR imaging, gas sensing, application of spectrum, SF6, CO2 laser
~y 2joStx z{NK(oW 摘 要:激光红外光学成像技术应用于探测SF6气体泄漏具有重要的现实意义,利用光栅可调co2激光器使输出谱线正好在SF6吸收范围,红外探测器就能接收反射回的谱线从而显示气体泄漏状况;SF6气体对以10.56μm为中心的红外光谱吸收率非常高,要求激光输出稳定性好,且输出单一频率。
$Zi{1w lS2`#l > 关键字:红外成像,气体探测,光谱应用,SF6 ,CO2激光器
Efd@\m:~> t=fAG,k5 1.介绍
dn%'bt 由于Sulfur Hexafluoride(SF6)气体优良的绝缘性能和灭弧性能,相应的SF6应用产品的可靠性高,检修工作量少,周期长等与传统手段相比具有不可比拟的优点,使得SF6应用日益广泛。伴随着SF6大量的使用,SF6泄漏问题也开始显露。传统的检测方法因为不能在线检测、不能快速查找泄漏源等缺点,已不满足应用要求。