y[Dgyt aLLI\3 多谢我想要下面的:)
&.2%p %/\sn<6C} Application Note for Display Systems
-0;{ Auto Importance Sampling
WRbdv{1E AutoImportanceSampling_Rel3.0
-@w}}BR Creating_Source_Files_3.0
,H?e23G displaysystems
DsxNg Gaussian Beam And Fiber Coupling
hEo$Jz` groundglass
so.}WU incidentflux
5G2ueRVb instrumentpanels
6IK>v*< interchange-1999
>2K'!@~' LCD Back Lighting
$!p2Kf>/Q LCD Backlight with RepTile
PmsZ=FY LED Example
)xg8#M=K map count smoothing setting
v#g:]T Matlab_TracePro
\cX9!lHl Nomenclature_and_use_of_TracePro_asymmetric_table_BSDF
krlebPs[ Non linear optimization for TracePro
'Q]Wk75 Optimization_of_Illumination_Systems_using_TracePro
rcLF:gd]E Raytrace and Analysis
o:5mgf7 Surface and Material Properties - guidelines for when to use one or both
hqHk,# TraceProBRIDGE
1bw$$QXC_ traceprobrochure
7|Wst)_~j Tracepro漫反射的模拟
OiC|~8 using software to reduce lightpipt design costs-EC-2003 0710
V$$9Rh 背光模组产业应用白皮书
AYoTCi%7E 显示系统产业应用白皮书