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简介:FRED作为COM组件可以实现与Excel、VB、Matlab等调用来完成庞大的计算任务或画图,本文的目的是通过运行一个案例来实现与Matlab的相互调用,在此我们需要借助脚本来完成,此脚本为视为通用型脚本。 OqtGKda !GOaBs 配置:在执行调用之前,我们需要在Matlab命令行窗口输入如下命令: C% -Tw]T$_ enableservice('AutomationServer', true) @3`5(xwzm enableservice('AutomationServer') zlMh^+rMX sn"((BsO< 结果输出为1,这种操作方式保证了当前的Matlab实体可以用于通信。 .*zN@y3 rr#nBhh8 在winwrp界面,为增加和使用Matlab类型的目录库,我们需要如下步骤: ~${~To8$CW 1. 在FRED脚本编辑界面找到参考. 161P%sGx2 2. 找到Matlab Automation Server Type Library i/:L^SQAq 3. 将名字改为MLAPP 4`O[U#? 2w|5SK_ WD5J2EePT 在Matlab里面有两种常用的数据发送选项PutWorkspaceData 及PutFullMatrix,PutWorkspaceData适用于存储一般的数据在工作区,并赋予其为变量,PutFullMatrix试用于复数数据。 zx@!8Z <83Ky;ry 图 编辑/参考 @*%3+9`yq kn3w6] 现在将脚本代码公布如下,此脚本执行如下几个步骤: Y?^liI`# 1. 创建Matlab服务器。 zgD?e?yPO 2. 移动探测面对于前一聚焦面的位置。 0/HFLz' 3. 在探测面追迹光线 $dM_uSt 4. 在探测面计算照度 FJ_JaIby 5. 使用PutWorkspaceData发送照度数据到Matlab 0CzQel)L: 6. 使用PutFullMatrix发送标量场数据到Matlab中 =O}I{dNKZV 7. 用Matlab画出照度数据 @CNJpQ ujn 8. 在Matlab计算照度平均值 Snr(<u 9. 返回数据到FRED中
f' A$':Y sL@\,]Y 代码分享: rKgl:sj+ ?%3dgQB' Option Explicit =3-=p&* ?LMQz= Sub Main HK)m^!= 8063LWV Dim ana As T_ANALYSIS u
X,n[u Dim move As T_OPERATION FJn-cR.n Dim Matlab As MLApp.MLApp {
^o.f Dim detNode As Long, detSurfNode As Long, anaSurfNode As Long ]>M\|,wh Dim raysUsed As Long, nXpx As Long, nYpx As Long |WB-N g Dim irrad() As Double, imagData() As Double, reals() As Double, imags() As Double &S4*x|-C& Dim z As Double, xMin As Double, xMax As Double, yMin As Double, yMax As Double T"xJY#)} Dim meanVal As Variant >pu4 G+M }
=OE.cf@ Set Matlab = CreateObject("Matlab.Application") Y` }X5(A@ 1Uup.( ClearOutputWindow ]I|(/+}M @c^ Dl 'Find the node numbers for the entities being used. I>?oVY6M@u detNode = FindFullName("Geometry.Screen") HH*y$ detSurfNode = FindFullName("Geometry.Screen.Surf 1") J~%43!X\K anaSurfNode = FindFullName("Analysis Surface(s).Analysis 1") 9#9 UzKX# :
UeK0 'Load the properties of the analysis surface being used. 8"%Es LoadAnalysis anaSurfNode, ana J9lZ1,22 Vn5T Jw 'Move the detector custom element to the desired z position. !Cgj
>= z = 50 hs7!S+[.$$ GetOperation detNode,1,move <vcU5
.K. move.Type = "Shift" Kk^*#vR move.val3 = z 44KoOY_ SetOperation detNode,1,move -
lX4; Print "New screen position, z = " &z 4Y(@
KUb 0+SDFh 'Update the model and trace rays. \3hA_{ w EnableTextPrinting (False) Qvp"gut)%X Update Q:b0M11QR DeleteRays ??F* Z" x TraceCreateDraw :)1"yo\ EnableTextPrinting (True) &nIu^,. vRe{B7}p; 'Calculate the irradiance for rays on the detector surface. o2
ng raysUsed = Irradiance( detSurfNode, -1, ana, irrad ) ZWkRoJXNi Print raysUsed & " rays were included in the irradiance calculation. k6C XuU k[@P526 'When using real number data to send to MATLAB, it is simplest to use PutWorkspaceData. 1<ag=D`F_" Matlab.PutWorkspaceData("irradiance_pwd","base",irrad) JP8}+ >!Yuef
<P 'PutFullMatrix is more useful when actually having complex data such as with G _cJI 'scalar wavefield, for example. Note that the scalarfield array in MATLAB @v2<T1UC 'is a complex valued array. f$dPDbZQ raysUsed = ScalarField ( detSurfNode, -1, ana, reals, imags ) )JzY%a SP Matlab.PutFullMatrix("scalarfield","base", reals, imags ) gGMfy]]R Print raysUsed & " rays were included in the scalar field calculation." z>W:+W"o Ay(p~U;gN* 'Calculate plot characteristics from the T_ANALYSIS structure. This information is used @` KYgjjH 'to customize the plot figure. HoPpUq5, xMin = ana.posX+ana.AcellX*(ana.Amin-0.5) %)j&/QdzF& xMax = ana.posX+ana.AcellX*(ana.Amax+0.5) xFF!)k # yMin = ana.posY+ana.BcellY*(ana.Bmin-0.5) ZA="Dac yMax = ana.posY+ana.BcellY*(ana.Bmax+0.5) 529b. | nXpx = ana.Amax-ana.Amin+1 H9)@q3<
nYpx = ana.Bmax-ana.Bmin+1 #I=EYl=Vvi s#Dj>Fej 'Plot the data in Matlab with some parameters calculated from the T_ANALYSIS ZR!8hw8 'structure. Set the axes labels, title, colorbar and plot view. /x49!8 Matlab.Execute( "figure; surf(linspace("&xMin &","&xMax &","&nXpx &"),linspace("& yMin &"," & yMax & "," & nYpx & "),irradiance_pwd, 'EdgeColor', 'None');" ) IQJ"B6U) Matlab.Execute( "xlabel('X Position (" & GetUnits() & ")')" ) : Matlab.Execute( "ylabel('Y Position (" & GetUnits() & ")')" ) : Matlab.Execute( "zLabel( 'Irradiance' )" ) E7$&:xqx Matlab.Execute( "title('Detector Irradiance')" ) h]<S0/ Matlab.Execute( "colorbar" ) G[KjK$.Ts? Matlab.Execute( "view(2)" ) 2u$-(JfoS Print "" rxyv+@~Nc Print "Matlab figure plotted..." |<Ls;:5. p{Q6g>?[ 'Have Matlab calculate and return the mean value. ?;,; Matlab.Execute( "irrad = mean(mean(irradiance_pwd));" ) R&|.Lvmc/ Matlab.GetWorkspaceData( "irrad", "base", meanVal ) D;YfQQr Print "The mean irradiance value calculated by Matlab is: " & meanVal m]jA( >W> rhxU 'Release resources $0[T<]{/? Set Matlab = Nothing DvH-M3 ]nsjYsT End Sub =2&\<Q_Fi X9| Z?jJ 最后在Matlab画图如下: ?TA7i b_ 5Od%Jhtt 并在工作区保存了数据: Xmr}$<<= == wX.y\.n 4vg3F( 并返回平均值: r<0E[~ ^
Qxv 与FRED中计算的照度图对比: 7 z LtRRX@qJw 例: 7$<pdayd b^HDN(v 此例系统数据,可按照此数据建立模型 <);q,|eh2 CtY-Gs 系统数据 o^epXIrIPi g}%ODa !H CFFb>d 光源数据: n~629 & Type: Laser Beam(Gaussian 00 mode) KZ2[.[(Ph Beam size: 5; cH&)Iz`f Grid size: 12; Lip#uuuXXN Sample pts: 100; "=a3"/u 相干光; 8;gi8Y 波长0.5876微米, y11^q*} 距离原点沿着Z轴负方向25mm。 Z 7@'I0;A xVPSL#> 对于执行代码,如果想保存图片,请在开始之前一定要执行如下代码: c=u+X`
Q enableservice('AutomationServer', true) "-f]d~P> enableservice('AutomationServer') IRg2\Hq