你这看得也太不认真了 eu|YCYj)g
CZe ]kXNv
Action: Display a OPL plot for the active model. <V'@ks%
Syntax: (analysis:opl-plot) qArM|\l1
Arg Types: hW')Sp
Returns: boolean h
Errors: returns #f if no model is active UXz<)RvB
Description: see action 0JS?; fk
Limitations: Not applicable X #dmo/L8
Example: ;Example of various TracePro Scheme commands M7\szv\Zc=
;setup the source and lens 234p9A@
(insert:lens-element "Schott" "BK7" 50 7.8 -35 12.7 ) tIi&;tw]
;;#[entity 1 1] FZQP%]FX
(raytrace:set-grid-boundary-annular 5) iXkF1r]i
;;() S\EyCi+
(raytrace:set-grid-origin (position 0 0 -10)) GAzU?a{S
;;() ^0)g/`H^>
(raytrace:set-grid-pattern-circular 10 1) SGRp3,1\4%
;;() %`r$g[<G
(raytrace:set-grid-orientation-direction-vectors (gvector 0 0 1) (gvector 0 1 0)) Ty\R=y}}
;;() :VBV&l`
(raytrace:set-grid-source-flag "Grid Source 1" #t) `7Q<'oK
;;() M^Yh|%M
;trace and analyze the rays ;;Y!^^g
(raytrace:grid) 9=M$AB
;;() g/_5unI}u
(analysis:opl-plot) ]%SH>
;;#t |i*37r6]=