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简介:本文是以十字元件为背景光源,经过一个透镜元件成像在探测器上,并显示其热成像图。 ea
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u 成像示意图 8cIKvHx 首先我们建立十字元件命名为Target *.t7G ?k{?GtSs 创建方法: ;?p>e' VY4yS*y 面1 : p_%Rt"! 面型:plane pl?`8@dI 材料:Air H<,gU`&R 孔径:X=1.5, Y=6,Z=0.075,形状选择Box <PH#[dH x'<X!gw <>rneHl8 辅助数据: Kn1a>fLaJ_ 首先在第一行输入temperature :300K, W^l-Y%a/o emissivity:0.1; 1oGw4kD^x >|UOz& fuySN!s 面2 : }K|oicpUg 面型:plane 3f{3NzN 材料:Air +cN8Y}V 孔径:X=1.5, Y=6,Z=0.075,形状选择Box )+DmOsH M .mfw#* s;Q!X ?Q 位置坐标:绕Z轴旋转90度, Ad_hKO
_w+Qy. u'BaKWPS 辅助数据: vXje^>_6 U>N1Od4vTO 首先在第一行输入temperature :300K,emissivity: 0.1; MQ6KN(?\ZL 0 @oJFJrO y}|s&4Sq Target 元件距离坐标原点-161mm; 0 kW,I $>LQ6|XRu oCz/HQoBk 单透镜参数设定:F=100, bend=0, 位置位于坐标原点 }BP;1y6-r 4.t-i5 9\7en%( M 探测器参数设定: 3.y vvPFEM Gk6iIK 在菜单栏中选择Create/Element Primitive /plane ep{FpB _oeS Uzq. G4"F+%. |yPu!pfl "^GGac. xJ.M;SF4 元件半径为20mm*20,mm,距离坐标原点200mm。 =t?F6)Q 6Z"X}L,* 光源创建: x[e<} 8'$( Qo|\-y-# 光源类型选择为任意平面,光源半角设定为15度。 >XfbP] 'm$L Ij?@ X"eYK/7 我们将光源设定在探测器位置上,具体的原理解释请见本章第二部分。 9hyn`u. Ig{0Z"> 我们在位置选项又设定一行的目的是通过脚本自动控制光源在探测器平面不同划分区域内不同位置处追迹光线。 Jln:`!#fDf AA>P`C$&M c7H^$_^ = 功率数值设定为:P=sin2(theta) theta为光源半角15度。我们为什么要这么设定,在第二部分会给出详细的公式推导。 U]rRQ
d/:; `Urhy#LC 创建分析面: t%8BK>AHvw wUJcmM; q!@4~plz 到这里元件参数设定完成,现在我们设定元件的光学属性,在前面我们分别对第一和第二面设定的温度和发射系数,散射属性我们设定为黑朗伯,4%的散射。并分别赋予到面一和面二。 =7UsVn#o V!~wj 1< ?4\?j 到此,所有的光学结构和属性设定完成,通过光线追迹我们可以查看光线是否可以穿过元件。 $%f&a3# 2&cT~ZX&' FRED在探测器上穿过多个像素点迭代来创建热图 o)/ 0a j1<Yg,_.p FRED具有一个内置的可编译的Basic脚本语言。从Visual Basic脚本语言里,几乎所有用户图形界面(GUI)命令是可用这里的。FRED同样具有自动的客户端和服务器能力,它可以被调用和并调用其他可启动程序,如Excel。因此可以在探测器像素点上定义多个离轴光源,及在FRED Basic脚本语言里的For Next loops语句沿着探测器像素点向上和向下扫描来反向追迹光线,这样可以使用三维图表查看器(Tools/Open plot files in 3D chart)调用和查看数据。 )boE/4 将如下的代码放置在树形文件夹 Embedded Scripts, J<lW<:!3] Kc\fu3Q
RxQ * 打开后清空里面的内容,此脚本为通用脚本适用于一切可热成像的应用。 xoME9u0x4 %(Icz? 绿色字体为说明文字, |DwZ{(R"W 8eRLy/`gd '#Language "WWB-COM" Q,Eo mt 'script for calculating thermal image map Pg{J{gn 'edited rnp 4 november 2005 `WS&rmq&' E{vbO/|kf 'declarations /gas2k==^ Dim op As T_OPERATION @2#lI Dim trm As T_TRIMVOLUME .6J$,.Ig Dim irrad(32,32) As Double 'make consistent with sampling ~}Pfu Dim temp As Double mR)wX 6 Dim emiss As Double n=q76W\ Dim fname As String, fullfilepath As String -'Mf\h8 NxILRKwO 'Option Explicit -G=]=f/' ?V=CB,^ Sub Main 9-
#R)4_ 'USER INPUTS Dt1jW nx = 31 Gq P5Kx+= ny = 31 wuo,kM numRays = 1000 bI`g|v minWave = 7 'microns w!XD/jN maxWave = 11 'microns St^5Byd< sigma = 5.67e-14 'watts/mm^2/deg k^4 ugBCBr fname = "teapotimage.dat" !'I8:v&D |vC~HJpuv' Print "" 9tnD=A<PS Print "THERMAL IMAGE CALCULATION" 'c~4+o4co [fyLV` detnode = FindFullName( "Geometry.Detector.Surface" ) '找到探测器平面节点 H,NF;QPPC !'O@2{?B Print "found detector array at node " & detnode 3(UVg!t 6dYMwMH srcnode = FindFullName( "Optical Sources.Source 1" ) '找到光源节点 Xwtqi@zlE 2A!FDr~cdT Print "found differential detector area at node " & srcnode 8?C5L8) FGkVqZ Y2? GetTrimVolume detnode, trm 4&iCht
= detx = trm.xSemiApe ./~(7o$ dety = trm.ySemiApe Yr|4Fl~U area = 4 * detx * dety D43z9z-:L Print "detector array semiaperture dimensions are " & detx & " by " & dety
AOx[ Print "sampling is " & nx & " by " & ny w2J<WC+_< 8b=_Y; 'reset differential detector area dimensions to be consistent with sampling TsZ@ pixelx = 2 * detx / nx @%SQFu@FJ pixely = 2 * dety / ny K,UMqAmk SetSourcePosGridRandom srcnode, pixelx / 2, pixely / 2, numRays, False >R=|Wo`Ri Print "resetting source dimensions to " & pixelx / 2 & " by " & pixely / 2 UCWBYC+ #A.@i+Zv 'reset the source power p b,. r SetSourcePower( srcnode, Sin(DegToRad(15))^2 ) b`_Q8 J Print "resetting the source power to " & GetSourcePower( srcnode ) & " units" y+q5UC| DV{=n C 'zero out irradiance array IGN1gs For i = 0 To ny - 1 aQ~s`^D For j = 0 To nx - 1 [/ZO q irrad(i,j) = 0.0 J=yTbSN\v Next j nj4/#W Next i Y\tui+?J Ap !lQ>p 'main loop l;V173W=& EnableTextPrinting( False ) |cY`x(?yP NEF#
}s2= ypos = dety + pixely / 2 <-0]i_4sK For i = 0 To ny - 1 @ .KGfNu xpos = -detx - pixelx / 2 ?fS9J ypos = ypos - pixely 0BsYavCR S[QrS7 EnableTextPrinting( True ) !o-@&q Print i 'f|o{ EnableTextPrinting( False ) q'11^V!0 .sA.C]f *|l/6!WM For j = 0 To nx - 1 LHmZxi? ^}C\zW xpos = xpos + pixelx a: K[ y uVU)d1N 'shift source lRdChoL$2 LockOperationUpdates srcnode, True ~_ a-E GetOperation srcnode, 1, op Er[A X.3 op.val1 = xpos FgI3 op.val2 = ypos =":,.Ttq41 SetOperation srcnode, 1, op LIdF 0 LockOperationUpdates srcnode, False 3ANQaUC ,2)6s\]/b raytrace +^<](z DeleteRays BluVmM3Vj CreateSource srcnode |D.ND%K& TraceExisting 'draw $7uA%|\ 8i,K~Bu= 'radiometry %K
QQ,{ b For k = 0 To GetEntityCount()-1 iyog`s c If IsSurface( k ) Then (tQc temp = AuxDataGetData( k, "temperature" ) %%wNZ{ emiss = AuxDataGetData( k, "emissivity" ) Ca3~/KrM If ( temp <> 0 And emiss <> 0 ) Then s9d_GhT%- ProjSolidAngleByPi = GetSurfIncidentPower( k ) >OK^D+v"j frac = BlackBodyFractionalEnergy ( minWave, maxWave, temp ) b u"!jHPB irrad(i,j) = irrad(i,j) + frac * emiss * sigma * temp^4 * ProjSolidAngleByPi #o2[hibq End If D,ln)["xm [trwBZ^D~ End If fxIf|9Qi` ,?XCyHSgWW Next k MJrR[h] ;S*}WqP, Next j <^uBoKB/f ],v=]+R Next i RX5dO% EnableTextPrinting( True ) nNU2([ A +)`ZTuO 'write out file YgoBHE0# fullfilepath = CurDir() & "\" & fname rXU\ Open fullfilepath For Output As #1 K_-MYs. Print #1, "GRID " & nx & " " & ny as_PoCoss Print #1, "1e+308" ~3 bPIg7D Print #1, pixelx & " " & pixely $tS}LN_!
Print #1, -detx+pixelx/2 & " " & -dety+pixely/2 Z(!\%mn kSh( u maxRow = nx - 1 _/K_[w 1 maxCol = ny - 1 AzxXB For rowNum = 0 To maxRow ' begin loop over rows (constant X) C>w|a row = "" &8 x-o, For colNum = maxCol To 0 Step -1 ' begin loop over columns (constant Y) 6K<K row = row & irrad(colNum,rowNum) & " " ' append column data to row string O0y_Lm\ Next colNum ' end loop over columns U b!(H^zu "w.3Q96r Print #1, row ""|Qtubv ?3xzd P Next rowNum ' end loop over rows RdML3E Close #1 }Z,x~G !GGkdg*-*9 Print "File written: " & fullfilepath &JI8]JmU) Print "All done!!" _#h_: End Sub 1y4 7Rt9od<
)! 在输出报告中,我们会看到脚本对光源的孔径和功率做了修改,并最终经过31次迭代,将所有的热成像数据以dat的格式放置于: k)Qtfj}uij E+w<RNBmz n=ux5M 找到Tools工具,点击Open plot files in 3D chart并找到该文件 Z/;aT -N 9
|vLwQ u-5{U-^_ 打开后,选择二维平面图: &IB |