z987456325:error message 看一下
(2021-04-06 17:48)
}Ictnb Warning: User-defined apertures on all surfaces are recommended
u2HkAPhD for lenses used with User-Defined Tolerancing.
i^P@? Default apertures can change as the lens is
$>E\3npV perturbed, impacting the performance results.
%bf+Y7m Warning: This system has active solves or pickups. Please verify
xGbr>OqkTX that the results of using TSF CHA on this system are correct.
NfLvK o8 。
j0J}d _ 。
Q,Tet&in ) 。
$iQ>c6 Trial 99 skipped - error function evaluation failed
}qfr&Ffh@ Trial 100 skipped - error function evaluation failed
{#q']YDe` ERROR - Arithmetic fault - floating point exception.
"sLdkd}dj Warning: Sequence aborted
T!$7:% D GO
=jD[A>3I Warning: Cement requires extrapolation beyond 2300 nm or 365 nm
Indices are likely to be wrong