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摘要: gADt%K2#Z _z,/!>J RPC Photonics公司有高品质的的工程漫射体BSDF测试数据,但它对于FRED帮助甚少,下面这个步骤描述了如何利用FRED脚本转换RPC Photonics提供的TXT文件,并将数据直接应用到FRED的Tabulated scatter 散射模型。 ?3KI}'}EM n0Ze9W+< 背景: ?/#HTg)!B Thorlabs和RPC Photonics联手共同推出的新型漫射体及光束整形技术,可以解决其他技术的不足,大大改善了诸如光刻系统、有效固态照明,显示,背光,显示亮度增强和投影屏等大多数应用的性能。这项我们称之为工程漫射体(Engineered DiffusersTM)的新概念,与其他技术有许多不同。与诸如磨砂玻璃、乳色玻璃和全息元件等随机漫射体截然不同,工程漫射体要求对于每个散射中心,通常为微透镜单元,都进行控制。例如全息漫射体可以视为一组随机排列的透镜,但是通过全息曝光形成的类透镜效果只能通过静态方式进行控制:而无法单独操控每个微透镜单元,这也帮助解释了全息漫射体无法控制光的分布和轮廓。另一方面,在工程漫射体中,每个微透镜单元形成漫射体,由其凹形纵断面和在阵列中的位置所确定。同时,为了确保漫射体不受输入光束变化的影响,并且不产生衍射效果,微透镜单元的分布是随机的,根据产生相应的光束形状函数所选取的概率分布函数来确定。因此,工程漫射体同时保留了随机与确定性漫射体的优点,从而实现高性能的光束整形功能。 ( }JX ]- FRED是美国Photon Engineering 公司开发的光学工程仿真软件,其在杂散光分析中独特的算法、高效的准确性,使其与其它同类产品相比更具优势。本案例我们重点讲述如何由RPC Photonics的BSDF数据转为FRED可识别的散射数据。 P[XE5puC 图1. RPC Photonics工程漫射体结构及光束投射形状 \FVR'A1 9Od
Kh\F ( RG*Nw6A 步骤 lt,x(2 ?_<ZCH 1、 在http://www.rpcphotonics.com/bsdf-data-optical-diffusers/下载并解压BSDF数据到某一文件夹下,选择“Raw data”文件。 CoJaVLl {j:{wW. 图2. RPC Photonics工程漫射体不同类型的散射数据 j nI)n* 2、 将 http://fred-kb.photonengr.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/06/constructRpcScatterFile.frs脚本文件放在步骤1中的文件下。(脚本代码放在了本文的最后) 1+#Vj# 3、 打开FRED并运行脚本文件,会输出如下“<SAMPLE>_FRED.txt”格式,<SAMPLE>即为RPC Photonics散射片数据集 Fdc bmQ 例如下所示: Zpu>T2Tp Sample name: EDF-C1-56 VJ_E]}H Merging data from file EDF-C1-56 0-0.txt Qt>yRt Finished merging RPC data for sample EDF-C1-56 f+<-Jc FRED formatted data file: D:\FRED\散射片数据\EDF-C1-56_FRED.txt 2vj)3%:7#E 4、 生成了FRED可识别的文件后,将散射模型导入到FRED里面 8{?Oi'-|0 a. 创建一个新的散射库 %HYC-TF# b. 散射模型命名 8(Z*Vz uu c. 改变散射模型为“Tabulated BSDF”. Zls4@/\Q d. 在File框出右键选择“Replace With Data From a File”, 选择步骤三生成的数据文件(如EDF-C1-56_FRED.txt ) /jj}.X7yH e. 切换为“Varies w/angle” 选项(假定所有的RPC Photonics datasets 数据有多个测试角度。 LgUaX f. 在底部的对话框中,选择透射散射、反射停并且你需要终止入射光线, +hXph g. 点击OK [FyE{NfiJ% 5、 数据输入后,可点击“Plot”按钮验证BSDF模型及总的散射值 #+Vvf #XJYkaL |:H[Y"$1; 脚本代码: |&RdOjw$u {Qw,L;R '#Language "WWB-COM" (x.K%QC) FpW{=4yk Option Explicit p(0!TCBs 9^
mrsj Sub Main A|y&\~<A >DbG$V<v' 'Cleanup _HGDqjL ClearOutputWindow() fWKv3S1dT bd)A6a\h Print "Merging RPC Photonics BSDF Data Files" &lGp
/m: SetTextColor(255,0,0) ^lf;Lc Print "Note: Script should be located in the same folder as the BSDF TXT files." 8swj'SjX Print "Note: Do not run this script multiple times without deleting the output file between executions." L}:u9$w SetTextColor(0,0,0) .4-; y'4= 'Current directory of this script (should be the same as the text files being merged) aNXu"US+Sp Dim cDir As String fep#Kb%"e cDir = MacroDir$ & "\" S4?ssI xhqIE3gd 'Array which will be populated with the list of files to be merged TAzhD.6C Dim fList() As String, curFile As String FirmzB Il5 GetFileList( cDir, fList ) 9 .%{M#j c>DAR Print "" AV&W&$ Print "Files found for merging:" vhhsOga For Each curFile In fList YO-O-NEP Print Chr(9) & curFile IS'=%qhC` Next 8Cm^#S,+ Y%wF;I1x 'Split the first text file name found to get the sample name. First file should be 0-0 measurement. .[O*bk Dim nameArray() As String, sampName As String }"xC1<] nameArray = Split(fList(0)," 0-0.txt") \>I&UFfH)4 sampName = nameArray(0) #Va@4<4r Print "" \:"s*- Print "Sample name: " & Chr(9) & sampName b(~NqV!i 0c:CA>F 'Open an output file and write the FRED header data U 2\{(y Dim outFile As String KgKV(q= outFile = cDir & sampName & "_FRED.txt" g7d) YUc Open outFile For Output As #1 zo]7# Print #1, "type bsdf_data" 6dg[ Print #1, "format angles=deg bsdf=value scale=1" L:B&`,E "=/XIM. 'Loop the file list, skip the two header lines and write the remaining data to file tk,
HvE Dim lineArray() As String, curLine As Long PU-;Q@< E For Each curFile In fList L'['7 Print "Merging data from file " & curFile cQ+V4cW
Z ReadFile( cDir & curFile, lineArray ) [_H9l) For curLine = 2 To UBound(lineArray) K<|eZhp~ Print #1, lineArray(curLine) |dXS+R1 Next jkPXkysm Next 6= 9 44_n5vp,T 'Close the output file -{P)\5.L Close #1 >:wk.<Z- r*,]=M W Print "Finished merging RPC data for sample " & sampName O`Z>Oon? Print "FRED formatted data file: " & Chr(9) & outFile 1 k H End Sub ]bS\*q0Zf( N 4,w 'Utility function to read the contents of a file into an array of strings. KE(kR>OB] Function ReadFile(ByVal fileName As String, _ +%>L;'L
^X ByRef lineArray() As String) As Long rU'&o) a^ _;0:wXib= ReadFile = -1 ?|8H$1 Dim oFSO As Object w@oq.K Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") y8,es$ Erase lineArray tpCEWdn5 gw5CU)r4$ Dim fid As Long )ns;S If oFSO.fileexists( fileName ) Then 2gFQHV fid = FreeFile() } 10Dvt>+ Open fileName For Input As fid R?]>8o, lineArray = Split(Input(LOF(fid), fid), vbCrLf) LFh(.
} Close fid /?by4v73P End If [i&tE.7 Set oFSO = Nothing RNIfw1R Return UBound( lineArray ) ;N4mR6 SZyPl9.b End Function Ie+z"&0 V#sANi?mpo Sub GetFileList( ByVal in_dir As String, _ -pLb%f0? ByRef in_flist() As String ) zM)o^Fn2 5F0sfX 'Redimension the file list array K,^b=_] Erase in_flist ,,,5pCi\ _39b8s{ 'Tracks how many files are found 6%fU}si, Dim fCount As Long i44KTC"sB fCount = 0 47t^{WrT SUvHLOA 'Recurse directory and search for text files 0eb`9yM Dim f As String [9$>N f = Dir$(in_dir & "*.txt") `%rqQnVB While f <> "" Ou,B3kuQ+ ReDim Preserve in_flist(fCount) 7AtJ6 in_flist(fCount) = f /S|Pq!4< fCount += 1 1_<'S34 f = Dir$() EI/_=.d Wend a0.)zgWr ReDim Preserve in_flist(fCount-1) h{>8W0W* hQX|wWh End Sub 9BHl2<&V \7Zk[)!FL ^yBx.GrQc QQ:2987619807 ,9q5jOnk