美国西北大学神经系统科学家莫兰·瑟夫(Moran Cerf)博士表示,未来5年之内最新科学技术可实现这一目标。但他警告称,这种方法也可能酝酿新的社会不平等。 瑟夫说:“高科技人脑芯片可以实现网络互连,并且能够访问维基百科网站,当我思考某些特殊想法时,人脑芯片将为我们快速提供 答案。” 目前神经系统科学家和商业教授正在致力开发这样的人脑芯片,其目标是通过融合最新科技来提高人类智力等级。近年来,随着埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)提出Neuralink计划等致力于开发脑机接口界面的技术项目,人脑芯片概念也得到了快速发展。 美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)也表达了对该领域的持续关注和兴趣,因为它致力于提高士兵的认知能力和技术掌握。瑟夫告诉媒体记者称,现在每个人都试图花很多时间将一些装置放入大脑之中,而不是在头骨上钻孔。你能感受到进入你大脑的芯片吗?或者你能感受到大脑中的组装附件吗?这些人脑芯片虽然进入人类大脑,但并不影响人类的正常生活和工作。 瑟夫表示,我们可能仅需几年时间就能找到解决方案。但是它的日常应用可能会导致特定人群存在较大的智力差距。2018年夏季,美国五角大楼研究部门开展一项特殊计划,旨在缩小人类和机器之间的差距。 2018年7月,美国国防部高级研究计划局挑选了一些研究团队,致力于开发一种神经界面,将作为最新N3程序的一部分,开发系统的目标是使军队士兵通过脑波发送和接收信息。 这意味着军队未来有一天能够使用意念控制无人机、网络防御系统和其它技术。这听起来像是科幻小说,但是美国国防部高级研究计划局希望通过两种方式的一种来实现该目标,这两种方式分别是:一是体外非侵入性设备,二是可以吞咽、注射或者通过鼻子输送的非手术系统。 2017年春季,美国国防部高级研究计划局对8项独立研究项目投入资金,以确定电刺激是否可以安全地用于“提高学习和加速训练技能”。 最新研究项目被称为“定向神经可塑性训练(T NT)”,旨在利用人体外周神经系统来加速学习过程。这将通过电刺激激活一个被称为“突触可塑性”的过程来实现,突触可塑性是大脑中参与学习的关键过程。最终,这样做可以让一个人快速掌握通常需要数千小时练习的复杂技能。 美国军方是如何“黑客”士兵大脑的? 美国国防部高级研究计划局为期4年的“定向神经可塑性训练(T NT)”项目旨在使用人体外周神经系统来加速学习过程。 这将通过电刺激激活一个被称为“突触可塑性”的过程来实现,突触可塑性是大脑中参与学习的关键过程。一些研究小组正在与情报分析专家和外语专家建立合作,围绕当前的培训实践打造一个实现平台。 研究人员将研究如何将该技术广泛应用于决策、空间导航、语音感知和威胁认别等领域。美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校生物医学设备中心的罗伯特·伦纳克(Robert Rennaker)说:“想象一下,你正在努力学习某些新知识,例如:乘法表或者打高尔夫球。当你做对了,相应的灯泡就会亮,这个系统被激活了。” 通过在学习过程中刺激迷路神经,我们可以人为地释放这些化学物质,从而增强学习过程中活跃的神经联系。(来源:新浪科技) 关键词: 芯片
tassy 2019-03-09 00:02高科技芯片能黑客大脑
wangjin001x 2019-03-09 00:06植入大脑的高科技芯片能增强人类智力
bairuizheng 2019-03-09 01:22要是植入大脑的高科技芯片那里搞错搞坏了,人的神经或受伤或死掉,就成废人
mang2004 2019-03-09 01:25有关定向神经可塑性训练的一些简要信息
The Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program supports improved, accelerated training of military personnel in multifaceted and complex tasks. The program is investigating the use of non-invasive neurotechnology in combination with training to boost the neurochemical signaling in the brain that mediates neural plasticity and facilitates long-term retention of new cognitive skills. If successful, this technology would apply to a wide range of defense-relevant needs, including foreign language learning, marksmanship, cryptography, target discrimination, and intelligence analysis, improving outcomes while reducing the cost and duration of the Defense Department’s extensive training regimen.
It focuses on a specific kind of learning—cognitive skills training. The premise is that during optimal times in the training process, precise activation of peripheral nerves through stimulation can boost the release of brain chemicals such as acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine that promote and strengthen neuronal connections in the brain. These so-called neuromodulators play a role in regulating synaptic plasticity, the process by which connections between neurons change to improve brain function during learning. By combining peripheral neurostimulation with conventional training practices, the program seeks to leverage endogenous neural circuitry to enhance learning by facilitating tuning of the neural networks responsible for cognitive functions.
DARPA is taking a layered approach to exploring this new terrain. Fundamental research focuses on gaining a clearer and more complete understanding of how nerve stimulation influences synaptic plasticity, how cognitive skill learning processes are regulated in the brain, and how to boost these processes to safely accelerate skill acquisition while avoiding potential side effects. The engineering side of the program concentrates on developing non-invasive methods to deliver peripheral nerve stimulation that enhances plasticity in brain regions responsible for cognitive functions. Human subjects research will help determine the extent to which peripheral nerve stimulation aids in key training activities. Additionally, key advances anticipated from this research will both create an anatomical and functional map of the underlying biological circuitry that mediates plasticity and optimize stimulation and training protocols to enable long-term retention of learned skills by military personnel.
It is informed by independent Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) experts to help DARPA proactively identify potential issues related to the use of neurotechnology. Communications with ELSI experts supplement the standard oversight provided by institutional review boards that govern human clinical studies and animal use
刘明欢聪慧 2019-03-09 06:02植入大脑的高科技芯片能增强人类智力
dushunli 2019-03-09 06:59人类智力!
likaihit 2019-03-09 08:15科幻小说的情节
redplum 2019-03-09 08:16好牛逼啊啊
王珏123 2019-03-09 08:27mang2004:有关定向神经可塑性训练的一些简要信息
The Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program supports improved, accelerated training of military personnel in multifaceted and complex tasks. The program is investigating the use of non-invasive neurote .. (2019-03-09 01:25)
wzlfpz 2019-03-09 08:56为什么要这么做呢