"Modern Lens Design" 2nd Edition by Warren J. Smith ]EnB`g(4;
Contents of Modern Lens Design 2nd Edition Rf^$?D&^
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1 Introduction &-:ZM0Fl
1.1 Lens Design Books Yev] Lp
1.2 Reference Material 2RFYnDN
1.3 Specifications :rk=(=@8`
1.4 Lens Design ='`z
1.5 Lens Design Program Features a:r8Jzr
1.6 About This Book -+Axa[,5=
2 Automatic Lens Design yH|[K=?S[
2.2 The Merit Function 8`v+yHjG
2.3 Local Minima MRR 5j;4GK
2.4 The Landscape Lens %YkJA:
2.5 Types of Merit Function f*,jhJ_I
2.6 Stagnation $A;jl`ng
2.7 Generalized Simulated Annealing (#k>cA(}
2.8 Considerations about Variables for Optimization Dq/_^a/1
2.9 How to Increase the Speed or Field of a System and Avoid Ray Failure Problems qjFz}6
2.10 Test Plate Fits, Melt Fits, Thickness Fits and Reverse Aberration Fits /BjM&v(5/
2.11 Spectral Weighting 9]< p
2.12 How to Get Started P^&%T?Y6z
3 Improving a Design {F6>XuS=u
3.1 Lens Design Tip Sheet: Standard Improvement Techniques m2F2
3.2 Glass Changes ( Index and V Values ) V(I!HT5.W
3.3 Splitting Elements Ebw1 %W KC
3.4 Separating a Cemented Doublet UbNA|`H
3.5 Compounding an Element VG0Ty;bV
3.6 Vignetting and Its Uses Uy2NZ%rnt
3.7 Eliminating a Weak Element; the Concentric Problem *1"xvle
3.8 Balancing Aberrations 4y\qJw)~U
3.9 The Symmetrical Principle Px{Cvc
3.10 Aspheric Surfaces YT'G#U1x~
4 Evaluation: How Good is This Design gqV66xmJ3
4.1 The Uses of a Preliminary Evaluation F0:|uC4
4.2 OPD versus Measures of Performance !m"LIa#/Cs
4.3 Geometric Blur Spot Size versus Certain Aberrations O=~8+sa
4.4 Interpreting MTF - The Modulation Transfer Function Ir&rTGFN
4.5 Fabrication Considerations W; yNg
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5 Lens Design Data +Z> Y//
5.1 About the Sample Lens Designs HK&Ul=^VN|
5.2 Lens Prescriptions, Drawings, and Aberration Plots fFDI qX
5.3 Estimating the Potential of a Redesign TRP#b 7nC
5.4 Scaling a Desing, Its Aberrations, and Its MTF ~A@T_*0
5.5 Notes on the Interpretation of Ray Intercept Plots YXz*B5R
5.6 Various Evaluation Plot %J(y2 }
6 Telescope Objective Ne<={u%
6.1 The Thin Airspaced Doublet 8X Jg
6.2 Merit Function for a Telescope Objective \d"JYym
6.3 The Design of an f/7 Cemented Doublet Telescope Objective G &,1 NjSi
6.4 Spherochromatism URU,&gy=
6.5 Zonal Spherical Aberration `_%UK=m
6.6 Induced Aberrations ha[c<e]uo[
6.7 Three-Element Objectives o>WB,i^ G
6.8 Secondary Spectrum (Apochromatic Systems) =og>& K
6.9 The Design of an f/7 Apochromatic Triplet TL&