"Modern Lens Design" 2nd Edition by Warren J. Smith Zc4hjg
Contents of Modern Lens Design 2nd Edition 8e\v5K9
1 Introduction DpS6>$v8t
1.1 Lens Design Books \[oHt:$do
1.2 Reference Material l.)N
1.3 Specifications '6 'XBL?
1.4 Lens Design 5N/]/
1.5 Lens Design Program Features *>'R
1.6 About This Book 2mlE;.}8
2 Automatic Lens Design kxn;;
2.2 The Merit Function <aHt6s'
2.3 Local Minima zBs7]z!eP
2.4 The Landscape Lens n#&RY%#`
2.5 Types of Merit Function QNJG}Upl
2.6 Stagnation -.*\J|S@g
2.7 Generalized Simulated Annealing 'j3'n0o
2.8 Considerations about Variables for Optimization ;Z`)*TRp4
2.9 How to Increase the Speed or Field of a System and Avoid Ray Failure Problems |TUpv*pq
2.10 Test Plate Fits, Melt Fits, Thickness Fits and Reverse Aberration Fits {PVu3W
2.11 Spectral Weighting :> q?s
2.12 How to Get Started G2^DukK.
3 Improving a Design >@L
3.1 Lens Design Tip Sheet: Standard Improvement Techniques ww,c)$
3.2 Glass Changes ( Index and V Values ) XGoy#h
3.3 Splitting Elements {;}8Z $
3.4 Separating a Cemented Doublet $($SQZK&
3.5 Compounding an Element ~+np7
3.6 Vignetting and Its Uses \S<5b&G
3.7 Eliminating a Weak Element; the Concentric Problem aOD"z7}U
3.8 Balancing Aberrations y%,BDyK
3.9 The Symmetrical Principle \Cs<'(=
3.10 Aspheric Surfaces 5VTbW
4 Evaluation: How Good is This Design 0&\Aw'21
4.1 The Uses of a Preliminary Evaluation i`SF<)M(
4.2 OPD versus Measures of Performance !:t9{z{Ixg
4.3 Geometric Blur Spot Size versus Certain Aberrations 'oHR4O*
4.4 Interpreting MTF - The Modulation Transfer Function biG9?
4.5 Fabrication Considerations Xdq,
5 Lens Design Data vRq xZN
5.1 About the Sample Lens Designs bevT`D
5.2 Lens Prescriptions, Drawings, and Aberration Plots `-H:j:U{
5.3 Estimating the Potential of a Redesign C#~MR+;
5.4 Scaling a Desing, Its Aberrations, and Its MTF 5 q ,
5.5 Notes on the Interpretation of Ray Intercept Plots <C$<