"Modern Lens Design" 2nd Edition by Warren J. Smith g:sn/Zug]
Contents of Modern Lens Design 2nd Edition H=j&uv8
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1 Introduction U 3f a*D
1.1 Lens Design Books xF4>D!T%8
1.2 Reference Material ub0uxvz
1.3 Specifications 6eNo}Tos9
1.4 Lens Design X <<hb
1.5 Lens Design Program Features ,c;u]
1.6 About This Book vxRy7:G"
2 Automatic Lens Design _*I@ J/
2.2 The Merit Function i,Q{Z@,
2.3 Local Minima jeM/8~^4-
2.4 The Landscape Lens 1j7sJ" *
2.5 Types of Merit Function ^gK8
2.6 Stagnation e /4{pe+,
2.7 Generalized Simulated Annealing .%pbKi
2.8 Considerations about Variables for Optimization qx $-% P
2.9 How to Increase the Speed or Field of a System and Avoid Ray Failure Problems Wx<fD()
2.10 Test Plate Fits, Melt Fits, Thickness Fits and Reverse Aberration Fits Vg0$5@
2.11 Spectral Weighting EN =oA P
2.12 How to Get Started 5ZRO{rf
3 Improving a Design g0P^O@8
3.1 Lens Design Tip Sheet: Standard Improvement Techniques &F*L=Ng
3.2 Glass Changes ( Index and V Values ) Sj$XRkbj:
3.3 Splitting Elements 7eh<>X!TX
3.4 Separating a Cemented Doublet FM)Es&p&
3.5 Compounding an Element f"=1_*eH
3.6 Vignetting and Its Uses fJb<<6C
3.7 Eliminating a Weak Element; the Concentric Problem B|~tW21
3.8 Balancing Aberrations ]+SVQ|v0
3.9 The Symmetrical Principle /~49.}yt
3.10 Aspheric Surfaces BixKK$Lo
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4 Evaluation: How Good is This Design r
4.1 The Uses of a Preliminary Evaluation /a?*Ap5"
4.2 OPD versus Measures of Performance QeK@++EVc
4.3 Geometric Blur Spot Size versus Certain Aberrations uK:?6>H
4.4 Interpreting MTF - The Modulation Transfer Function Iq@: n_~
4.5 Fabrication Considerations "t-u=aDl-.
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5 Lens Design Data 3 9|4)1e
5.1 About the Sample Lens Designs meHnT9a^
5.2 Lens Prescriptions, Drawings, and Aberration Plots ! f\q0Gnl
5.3 Estimating the Potential of a Redesign U9d0nj9 j
5.4 Scaling a Desing, Its Aberrations, and Its MTF &vf%E@<
5.5 Notes on the Interpretation of Ray Intercept Plots |6%B2I&c
5.6 Various Evaluation Plot kIb)I(n
6 Telescope Objective k}5Sz
6.1 The Thin Airspaced Doublet =
6.2 Merit Function for a Telescope Objective j{i3lGaN
6.3 The Design of an f/7 Cemented Doublet Telescope Objective 8| 6:
6.4 Spherochromatism +izB(E8&{J
6.5 Zonal Spherical Aberration _Ra$"j
6.6 Induced Aberrations "Dc6kn^}3
6.7 Three-Element Objectives CnJrJ>l
6.8 Secondary Spectrum (Apochromatic Systems) hP=^JH
6.9 The Design of an f/7 Apochromatic Triplet :|s!_G <
6.10 The Diffractive Surface in Lens Design w"Q6'/P
6.11 A Final Note D;pfogK @
7 Eyepieces and Magnifiers s~@4
7.1 Eyepieces :N \j@yJK
7.2 A Pair of Magnifier Designs woctnT%"Q/
7.3 The Simple, Classical Eyepieces $*035f
7.4 Design Story of an Eyepiece for a 6*30 Binocular 2VrO8q(
7.5 Four-Element Eyepieces ?R
7.6 Five-Element Eyepieces +:hZ,G?>
7.7 Very High Index Eyepiece/Magnifier )575JY `6K
7.8 Six- and Seven-Element Eyepieces bbDl?m&bq
8 Cooke Triplet Anastigmats *}pl
8.1 Airspaced Triplet Anastigmats <5R`E(
8.2 Glass Choice 3D)gy9T&l
8.3 Vertex Length and Residual Aberrations >vDa`| g
8.4 Other Design Considerations Vv"JN?dHi
8.5 A Plastic, Aspheric Triplet Camera Lens |i)7jG<
8.6 Camera Lens Anastigmatism Design “from Scrach” – The Cooke Triplet d|^cKLu
8.7 Possible Improvement to Our “Basic” Triplet 82S?@%}#J
8.7 The Rear Earth (Lanthanum) Glasses [Yo3=(7J
8.9 Aspherizing the Surfaces O]"3o,/]G
8.10 Increasing the Element Thickness &n_aMZ;
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9 Split Triplets zYCrfr
10 The Tessar, Heliar, and Other Compounded Triplets %?GLMf7)
10.1 The Classic Tessar X@;o<2^
10.2 The Heliar/Pentac FtaO@5pS54
10.3 The Portrait Lens and the Enlarger Lens 5XK}8\
10.4 Other Compounded Triplets ' }G!D
10.5 Camera Lens Anastigmat Design “from Scratch” – The Tessar and Heliar 8VbHZ9Q
11 Double-Meniscus Anastigmats <r6e23
11.1 Meniscus Components zh5$$*\
11.2 The Hypergon, Totogon, and Metrogon 85>WK+=
11.3 A Two Element Aspheric Thick Meniscus Camera Lens 2~:jg1
11.4 Protar, Dagor, and Convertible Lenses 8<,b5
11.5 The Split Dagor /%E l0X
11.6 The Dogmar F\' ^DtB
11.7 Camera Lens Anastigmat Design “from Scratch” – The Dogmar Lens $$UMc-Pq
12 The Biotar or Double-Gauss Lens z:RclDm
12.1 The Basic Six-Element Version I!
12.2 28 Things You Should Know about the Double-Gauss/Biotar Lens h5+qP"n!?q
12.3 The Seven-Element Biotar - Split-Rear Singlet _cz&f