Matlab ebooks (
MATLAB 学习书籍):
)4oTA@wR L"Y_:l3"7 Matlab 作为美国 MathWorks公司开发的用于概念设计,算法开发,建模仿真,实时实现的理想的集成环境。是目前最好的科学计算类软件.
r)$(>/[$ O+vuv,gNi MATLAB 将高性能的数值计算和可视化集成在一起,并提供了大量的内置函数,从而被广泛地应用于科学计算、控制系统、信息处理等领域的分析、仿真和设计工作,而且利用 MATLAB 产品的开放式结构,可以非常容易地对 MATLAB 的功能进行扩充,从而在不断深化对问题认识的同时,不断完善 MATLAB 产品以提高产品自身的竞争能力。
y8T%g( &WW|! 6 目前 MATLAB 产品族可以用来进行:
Zy0u@`` _jmkA meu - 数值分析
|2mm@): - 数值和符号计算
X}?`G?' - 工程与科学
绘图 ^8S'=Bk - 控制系统的设计与方针
,DrE4")4 - 数字图像处理
l4c9.'6 - 数字信号处理
CBC0X}_` - 通讯系统设计与仿真
STMc@MeZU_ - 财务与金融工程...
c`]_Q1'30w ?#|Y'%a" MATLAB 是 MATLAB 产品家族的基础,它提供了基本的数学算法,例如矩阵运算、数值分析算法, MATLAB 集成了 2D 和 3D 图形功能,以完成相应数值可视化的工作,并且提供了一种交互式的高级
编程语言—— M 语言,利用 M 语言可以通过编写脚本或者函数文件实现用户自己的算法。
iU^KmM I `Q d_Gu,M MATLAB Compiler 是一种编译工具,它能够将那些利用 MATLAB 提供的编程语言—— M 语言编写的函数文件编译生成为函数库、可执行文件 COM 组件等等。这样就可以扩展 MATLAB 功能,使 MATLAB 能够同其他高级编程语言例如 C/C++ 语言进行混合应用,取长补短,以提高程序的运行效率,丰富程序开发的手段。
jOs&E^">&B %";bgU2Q 利用 M 语言还开发了相应的 MATLAB 专业工具箱函数供用户直接使用。这些工具箱应用的算法是开放的可扩展的,用户不仅可以查看其中的算法,还可以针对一些算法进行修改,甚至允许开发自己的算法扩充工具箱的功能。目前 MATLAB 产品的工具箱有四十多个,分别涵盖了数据获取、科学计算、控制系统设计与分析、数字信号处理、数字图像处理、金融财务分析以及生物遗传工程等专业领域。
^6=y4t=%F c]]OV7;)> Ebook
?3ldHWa vu^ '+ky (eBook - pdf) Matlab - Getting started.pdf
}:UNL^e? CRC Press - Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB.pdf
f9t^T# eBooks - Mathlab - Computational Statistics Handbook with Matlab by Martinez.pdf
+an.z3?w Graphics and GUIs with MATLAB, 3rd Ed (2003)(CRC Press).pdf
5c?1JH62o8 Grewal, Andrews. Kalman filtering.. theory and practice using MATLAB (2ed., Wiley, 2001)(410s).pdf
T%kr&XsQX Learn Matlab 7.0.pdf
ZTV|rzE Matlab - Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, 3rd Edition.pdf
ml=tS, Matlab - An Introduction to Matlab.pdf
s)HLFdis@ Matlab - Applied Econometrics using MATLAB.pdf
E"p; Matlab - Basics.pdf
5 rpX"( Matlab - C Math Libary User's Guide 1.2.pdf
z:B4 Matlab - C++ Math Library 2.1 Reference.pdf
P !:LAb( Matlab - Chemical Process Control a first Course with MATLAB.pdf
.W_'6Q+ Matlab - Compiler User's Guide 1.2.pdf
<-xI!o"} Matlab - Computational Statistics Handbook with Matlab.pdf
pWY $aI Matlab - Crash course in Matlab.pdf
FsI51@V72Q Matlab - Development of Neural Network Theory for Artificial Life-thesis, MATLAB and Java code.pdf
d{?X:*F Matlab - Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB.pdf
H$2<N@'4z Matlab - Engineering Analysis, Interactive Methods and Programs With FORTRAN QuickBASIC MATLAB and Mathematica.pdf
37Z@a!# Matlab - Fourier Transformation.pdf
|E/r64T Matlab - Graphics and GUIs with Matlab, 3rd Edition.pdf
/="~Jo Matlab - Hardware in Matlab.pdf
4\qnCf3 Matlab - Introducing to Matlab and it's Graphics Capabilities.pdf
p^u;]~JO Matlab - Kalman filtering Theory and practice using MATLAB 2nd Edition.pdf
5>{S^i~! Matlab - Math Problems solving with Matlab Programming.pdf
WEgJ_dB Matlab - Matlab Programming.pdf
xVOoYr>O Matlab - Matlab-Workshop.pdf
!]1'?8 Matlab - Neural Network Toolbox - User's Guide 4.pdf
>OP[qj Matlab - Numerical Analysis with MATLAB.pdf
wvH Matlab - Optimisation Toolbox - User's Guide.pdf
@edx]H1~^ Matlab - Primer.pdf
<Sm@ !yx Matlab - Wavelet Toolbox - User's Guide - Version 2.pdf
JHN{vB Matlab 7 - Creating Graphical User Interfaces.pdf
O,m0Xb2s]~ Matlab 7 - Desktop Tools and Development.pdf
neN #Mo'A Matlab 7 - External Interfaces.pdf
jQDXl Matlab 7 - Function Reference Volume 1 A - E.pdf
d\% |!ix Matlab 7 - Function Reference Volume 2 F - O.pdf
X?PcEAi;w Matlab 7 - Function Reference Volume 3 P - Z.pdf
Li[ :L Matlab 7 - Getting Started.pdf
`ceetr= Matlab 7 - Graphics.pdf
|Tn+Aq7 Matlab 7 - MAT-File Format.pdf
!Z f<
j Matlab 7 - Mathematics.pdf
xaQO=[ Matlab 7 - Programming.pdf
wjLtLtK? MatLab 7, Programming.pdf
i8CO+Iv*{ Matlab 7, Simulink 3 - Installation Guide for
8t4o}3> Matlab 7, Simulink 3 - Using Simulink.pdf
/l o;:)AiP Matlab, Simulink - CDMA Reference Blockset For Use with Simulink User’s Guide Version 1.pdf
AUZ^XiK Matlab, Simulink - Control Systems Simulation using Matlab and Simulink.pdf
K"lZwU\:On Matlab, Simulink - Simulink Matlab to VHDL Route for Full Custom FPGA Rapid Prototyping of DSP Algorithms.pdf
$9LI v Matlab, Simulink - Simulink Modeling Tutorial - Train System.pdf
3[*E>:)qh Matlab, Simulink - Using Simulink and Stateflow in Automotive Applications.pdf
'Z^-(xG,+ Matlab, Simulink 5 - Simulink Reference.pdf
3zdm-5R.b Steven T. Karris - Numerical Analysis using Matlab and Spreadsheets, 2nd Ed.pdf
-+9,RtHR7 Wiley - Adaptive Filters - Theory and Application with MATLAB Exercises.pdf
> 93I|C| Wiley - Kalman Filtering - Theory and Practice Using MATLAB .pdf
(MfPu8j Wiley.Interscience.Applied.Numerical.Methods.Using.MATLAB.Apr.2005.pdf
IIrp-E MXJ Wilson & Turcotte & Halpern - Advanced mathematics and mechanics applications using MatLab.pdf
0dV [eBook] A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users - B.R.Hunt,R.L.Lipsman,J.M.Rosenberg - (Cambridge University Press).pdf
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