Matlab ebooks (
MATLAB 学习书籍):
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ah Matlab 作为美国 MathWorks公司开发的用于概念设计,算法开发,建模仿真,实时实现的理想的集成环境。是目前最好的科学计算类软件.
;i\C]* rJQ=9qn\ MATLAB 将高性能的数值计算和可视化集成在一起,并提供了大量的内置函数,从而被广泛地应用于科学计算、控制系统、信息处理等领域的分析、仿真和设计工作,而且利用 MATLAB 产品的开放式结构,可以非常容易地对 MATLAB 的功能进行扩充,从而在不断深化对问题认识的同时,不断完善 MATLAB 产品以提高产品自身的竞争能力。
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pH{HI 目前 MATLAB 产品族可以用来进行:
,r=re!QI7 ',ZF5T5z@ - 数值分析
WPo:^BD - 数值和符号计算
bLbR IY"l - 工程与科学
绘图 QU T"z' - 控制系统的设计与方针
-[DWM2C$K4 - 数字图像处理
X|b2c+I - 数字信号处理
!>n|c$=;qk - 通讯系统设计与仿真
\}JrFc%O - 财务与金融工程...
?x3Jv<G0* g9KTn4 MATLAB 是 MATLAB 产品家族的基础,它提供了基本的数学算法,例如矩阵运算、数值分析算法, MATLAB 集成了 2D 和 3D 图形功能,以完成相应数值可视化的工作,并且提供了一种交互式的高级
编程语言—— M 语言,利用 M 语言可以通过编写脚本或者函数文件实现用户自己的算法。
>w.'KR0L gn ?YF` MATLAB Compiler 是一种编译工具,它能够将那些利用 MATLAB 提供的编程语言—— M 语言编写的函数文件编译生成为函数库、可执行文件 COM 组件等等。这样就可以扩展 MATLAB 功能,使 MATLAB 能够同其他高级编程语言例如 C/C++ 语言进行混合应用,取长补短,以提高程序的运行效率,丰富程序开发的手段。
eA=WGy@IcN /0lC KU!= 利用 M 语言还开发了相应的 MATLAB 专业工具箱函数供用户直接使用。这些工具箱应用的算法是开放的可扩展的,用户不仅可以查看其中的算法,还可以针对一些算法进行修改,甚至允许开发自己的算法扩充工具箱的功能。目前 MATLAB 产品的工具箱有四十多个,分别涵盖了数据获取、科学计算、控制系统设计与分析、数字信号处理、数字图像处理、金融财务分析以及生物遗传工程等专业领域。
_D,eyP9P {.CMD9F[ Ebook
-(#-I$z 51 b y (eBook - pdf) Matlab - Getting started.pdf
lY'N4x7n CRC Press - Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB.pdf
8IGt4UF&? eBooks - Mathlab - Computational Statistics Handbook with Matlab by Martinez.pdf
Z\? E3j Graphics and GUIs with MATLAB, 3rd Ed (2003)(CRC Press).pdf
K2rzhHfb Grewal, Andrews. Kalman filtering.. theory and practice using MATLAB (2ed., Wiley, 2001)(410s).pdf
#BY`h~&T Learn Matlab 7.0.pdf
m\vmY Matlab - Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB, 3rd Edition.pdf
?6P.b6m}0 Matlab - An Introduction to Matlab.pdf
>xg5z Matlab - Applied Econometrics using MATLAB.pdf
>7b)y Matlab - Basics.pdf
3yV'XxC Matlab - C Math Libary User's Guide 1.2.pdf
^jD1vUL 2: Matlab - C++ Math Library 2.1 Reference.pdf
dqc1q:k?$ Matlab - Chemical Process Control a first Course with MATLAB.pdf
:243 H Matlab - Compiler User's Guide 1.2.pdf
>>Z Matlab - Computational Statistics Handbook with Matlab.pdf
4(cJ^]wb ^ Matlab - Crash course in Matlab.pdf
S8vV!xO Matlab - Development of Neural Network Theory for Artificial Life-thesis, MATLAB and Java code.pdf
Vz%OV}\ Matlab - Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB.pdf
>t <pFh Matlab - Engineering Analysis, Interactive Methods and Programs With FORTRAN QuickBASIC MATLAB and Mathematica.pdf
GABQUmtH Matlab - Fourier Transformation.pdf
L{8;Ud_2r Matlab - Graphics and GUIs with Matlab, 3rd Edition.pdf
&(OZJT Matlab - Hardware in Matlab.pdf
U \oy8FZ Matlab - Introducing to Matlab and it's Graphics Capabilities.pdf
x,8<tSW)Z Matlab - Kalman filtering Theory and practice using MATLAB 2nd Edition.pdf
S%mfs!E> Matlab - Math Problems solving with Matlab Programming.pdf
?+2b(2&MXE Matlab - Matlab Programming.pdf
2oVV'9;B Matlab - Matlab-Workshop.pdf
1||+6bRP Matlab - Neural Network Toolbox - User's Guide 4.pdf
74 Matlab - Numerical Analysis with MATLAB.pdf
*>q/WLR Matlab - Optimisation Toolbox - User's Guide.pdf
}|wv]U~ Matlab - Primer.pdf
izZ=d5+K Matlab - Wavelet Toolbox - User's Guide - Version 2.pdf
9YN? Matlab 7 - Creating Graphical User Interfaces.pdf
m:+8J,jW Matlab 7 - Desktop Tools and Development.pdf
8g~EL{' Matlab 7 - External Interfaces.pdf
E JK0 Matlab 7 - Function Reference Volume 1 A - E.pdf
Pbu{'y3J Matlab 7 - Function Reference Volume 2 F - O.pdf
V416g |lBO Matlab 7 - Function Reference Volume 3 P - Z.pdf
<a^Oj LLU Matlab 7 - Getting Started.pdf
) R2XU Matlab 7 - Graphics.pdf
3Q By\1h. Matlab 7 - MAT-File Format.pdf
;_?MX/w|& Matlab 7 - Mathematics.pdf
#{J,kcxS Matlab 7 - Programming.pdf
qu|i;WZE MatLab 7, Programming.pdf
DcD{*t?x Matlab 7, Simulink 3 - Installation Guide for
T7*wS#z)h Matlab 7, Simulink 3 - Using Simulink.pdf
HMGB> Matlab, Simulink - CDMA Reference Blockset For Use with Simulink User’s Guide Version 1.pdf
d_z59 Matlab, Simulink - Control Systems Simulation using Matlab and Simulink.pdf
!Ng=Yk>3 Matlab, Simulink - Simulink Matlab to VHDL Route for Full Custom FPGA Rapid Prototyping of DSP Algorithms.pdf
a0 Matlab, Simulink - Simulink Modeling Tutorial - Train System.pdf
}8K4-[\ Matlab, Simulink - Using Simulink and Stateflow in Automotive Applications.pdf
wBSQ:f]g Matlab, Simulink 5 - Simulink Reference.pdf
=aG xg57 Steven T. Karris - Numerical Analysis using Matlab and Spreadsheets, 2nd Ed.pdf
+s" MI Wiley - Adaptive Filters - Theory and Application with MATLAB Exercises.pdf
BJ}D%nm} Wiley - Kalman Filtering - Theory and Practice Using MATLAB .pdf
p0:kz l4$ Wiley.Interscience.Applied.Numerical.Methods.Using.MATLAB.Apr.2005.pdf
v-b0\_ Wilson & Turcotte & Halpern - Advanced mathematics and mechanics applications using MatLab.pdf
f9u^ R=Ff[ [eBook] A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users - B.R.Hunt,R.L.Lipsman,J.M.Rosenberg - (Cambridge University Press).pdf
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