(defun c:sl() &Z("D7.G
(setq Ycolum(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in Y axis: ")) ;;y軸方向點數 tNaL;0#Tx
(setq Yleth(getreal"\n pls input the Y axis startpoint coordinate: ")) ;;y軸起始座標 @r7:NU}
(setq Xcolum1(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in x axis: ")) epD?K
(setq X_Cood1(getreal"\n pls input the X axis startpoint coordinate: ")) wTq{ sW&
(setq ridus1(getreal"\n pls input the Diameter of startpoint you wanted desgin in mm: ")) 2a=sm1?
(setq pitch_x(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between X axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) 7:=k`yS,
(setq pitch_y(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between Y axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) S]/b\B.h+
(setq reduce1(getreal"\n pls input reduce the dot you wanted desgin : ")) 7{kP}?
(setq Xchange1 1) 0HeD{TH\
(setq Ychange 1) U]6&b
(setq m (* Ycolum 2)) !kuX,*}q
(setq D (- Xcolum1 1)) fC-P.:F#I
(setq A (- m 1)) X JGB)3QI
(setq X_P (/ pitch_x 2)) XVVD 0^ Q
(setq Y_P (/ pitch_y 2)) P87#
(setq C (+ Yleth Y_P)) D)$8W[
(while (<= Ychange Ycolum) Yg|lq9gD
(setq ridus (+ ridus1 reduce1) Ww3wsy x
pitch_a pitch_x %CnxjtTo
Xcolum Xcolum1 TV59(bG.2
reduce reduce1 >7Jr^o#|_x
X_Cood X_Cood1 x i~uv?f
Xchange Xchange1 uBnoQ~Qd[z
pitch_b pitch_y fRZ KEIyk
) cDEJk?3+
(setq Yleth (+ Yleth pitch_b)) G 7LIdn=
( while (<= Xchange Xcolum) C|-pD
(setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) Gctsp2ndW
(setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth 0)) TYns~X_PR
(setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) 8AFczeg[[
(command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") -1|iz2^N
(setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) Of}|ib^t
) m}j:nk
(setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) MmTC=/j
) j+4H}XyE
(setq Yleth1 C) R=j% S!
(while (and (> Ychange Ycolum) (<= Ychange A)) ,Ds.x@p
(setq ridus (+ ridus1 (setq reduce0 (/ reduce1 2))) "UVFU-Z
pitch_a pitch_x '\q f^?9
Xcolum Xcolum1 \Gp*x\<^Z
reduce reduce1 ?Ke
X_Cood (+ X_Cood1 X_P) !BIOY!M
Xchange Xchange1 qPGuo5^
pitch_b pitch_y +_l^ #?o,
) wE\3$ s/{D
(setq Yleth1 (+ Yleth1 pitch_b)) z;\d L
( while (<= Xchange D) w(d>HHg
(setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) cu!W4Ub<
(setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth1 0)) ,FzeOSy'p
(setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) `YBkF
(command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") ecJ6
(setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) {No L
) 266oTER]v:
(setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) SGc8^%-`