(defun c:sl() /x0zZ+}V
(setq Ycolum(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in Y axis: ")) ;;y軸方向點數 Kc{fT^E
(setq Yleth(getreal"\n pls input the Y axis startpoint coordinate: ")) ;;y軸起始座標 `A&64D
(setq Xcolum1(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in x axis: ")) ~|l>bf
(setq X_Cood1(getreal"\n pls input the X axis startpoint coordinate: ")) Q?W]g%:)
(setq ridus1(getreal"\n pls input the Diameter of startpoint you wanted desgin in mm: ")) z Lf^O%zN
(setq pitch_x(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between X axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) gmJJ(}HVz
(setq pitch_y(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between Y axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) |Vd)7/LN
(setq reduce1(getreal"\n pls input reduce the dot you wanted desgin : ")) @105 @9F
(setq Xchange1 1) 'hU&$lgMF
(setq Ychange 1) Ddt(*z
(setq m (* Ycolum 2)) Rjm5{aa-
(setq D (- Xcolum1 1)) }KS[(Q
(setq A (- m 1)) DC[-<:B
(setq X_P (/ pitch_x 2)) oVc_(NH-
(setq Y_P (/ pitch_y 2)) +c\fDVv
(setq C (+ Yleth Y_P)) Fc 5g~T
(while (<= Ychange Ycolum) W9a H]9b
(setq ridus (+ ridus1 reduce1) (doFYF~w
pitch_a pitch_x 3<'SnP3mY
Xcolum Xcolum1 //V?rs
reduce reduce1 ugUV`5w
X_Cood X_Cood1 )|Y"^K%Jm
Xchange Xchange1 ^XZmtB
pitch_b pitch_y /F/`?=1<$
) 0($MN]oZa
(setq Yleth (+ Yleth pitch_b)) -!wm]kx
( while (<= Xchange Xcolum) ")x9A&p
(setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) QsI$4:yl
(setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth 0)) Z{u*vUC&
(setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) !C#q
(command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") d:<{!}BR3
(setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) ffuV$#
) >MiA|N=
(setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) N:"E%:wSbi
) Wc-P= J*m
(setq Yleth1 C) s{<rc>
(while (and (> Ychange Ycolum) (<= Ychange A)) 4s0>QD$J
(setq ridus (+ ridus1 (setq reduce0 (/ reduce1 2))) O6k[1C
pitch_a pitch_x i aP+Vab
Xcolum Xcolum1 "QGP]F
reduce reduce1 :R<,J=+$u
X_Cood (+ X_Cood1 X_P) nCXIWLw
Xchange Xchange1 `|v0@-'$
pitch_b pitch_y }b6ja y
) !7^fji
(setq Yleth1 (+ Yleth1 pitch_b)) =We}&80x
( while (<= Xchange D) eT:%i"C
(setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) (w"zI!
(setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth1 0)) D@O'8
(setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) ~mmI]
(command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") WpSdukXY{
(setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) 36&7J{MU
) 7m@pdq5Ub
(setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) %# J8cB
) .:_dS=ut