(defun c:sl() tT'*Uu5
(setq Ycolum(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in Y axis: ")) ;;y軸方向點數 NBuibL
(setq Yleth(getreal"\n pls input the Y axis startpoint coordinate: ")) ;;y軸起始座標 ;,![Lar5L
(setq Xcolum1(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in x axis: ")) {L5!_]6
(setq X_Cood1(getreal"\n pls input the X axis startpoint coordinate: ")) q(4W/y
(setq ridus1(getreal"\n pls input the Diameter of startpoint you wanted desgin in mm: ")) "K
(setq pitch_x(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between X axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) ;UTT>j
(setq pitch_y(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between Y axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) WeNx9+2=Z
(setq reduce1(getreal"\n pls input reduce the dot you wanted desgin : ")) rVgz+'rFD[
(setq Xchange1 1) }CnqJ@>C5
(setq Ychange 1) 7p%W)=v
(setq m (* Ycolum 2)) LW<