翻阅了手册,觉得下面的解答比较合适: wQ33Gc
On any given surface there can be only one active general thickness constraint. If on a given surface more than one of the general thickness constraints is in violation, AUTO selects the one with the largest violation and controls it for that cycle (it may release it and control a different one on the next cycle). In a zoomed system this same technique is used, although it may not be sufficient in all cases. In a “true zoom” system, this technique is sufficient to control all the general thickness constraints. However, in a general zoom system, or multi-configuration system, this technique may not be sufficient and it may be necessary for you to enter specific CT and/or ET constraints as a function of zoom position (remember that entering either CT or ET specific constraints in any zoom position disables all the general thickness constraints for all zoom positions on that surface). RpJ7.