我在carl zeiss里看到的资料: zkb[u"
Example: an erythrocyte (O 8 μm) is photographed using ~/l5ys
the Achroplan objective 100x. The TV adapter has the <;P40jDL
factor 0.5x: ]}z"H@k
S17 c#6vT
M optical = 100 x 0.5 = 50 x #Mm1yXNu
The active sensor diagonal of the 1/3”-chip CCD-camera kR/Etm5_
is 5.3 mm. The monitor in the lecture room has a useful HD!2|b~@
image diagonal of 61 cm (= 610 mm). }O+`X) 9
M electronic = 610 mm / 5.3 mm = 115 x k^Qd%;bdF
The overall magnification then is: ~v|NC([(
Moverall = Moptical x Melectronic = 50 x 115 = 5750 x #w1E3ahaX
The erythrocyte appears on the screen with 8 μm x 5750 = 46000 μm ArVW2gL
or 46 mm = 4.6 cm mbZn[D_zi
这里面总放大倍数是5750倍。为什么这里面的计算没有涉及到c-mount呢? PfjD!=yS=h
请问用ccd相机连光学显微镜的最大放大倍数和有效的最大放大倍数? /H~]5JZ3-E
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