&B>YiA V7i1BR8G TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-conic( Word档 )
DmgWIede|: TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-3D compound( Word档 )
6"U)d7^ TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-trough(cylinder) and compound trough( Word档 )
$5a%hK TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-rectangluar concentrator( Word档 )
N;d@)h(N! 时程表-tracepro&zemax.xls
t /CE,DQ What's new in TracePro 3.1-中文版( Word档 )
7=x]p What's new in TracePro 3.1-原厂( Powerpoint档 )
E cW$'>^ Creating a solid model-fresnel lens( Word档 )
4).>b3OhX Creating a solid model-lens element( Word档 )
6z80Y*|eJ Creating a solid model-primitive solid-thin sheet( Word档 )
p*Hbc|?{Q& Creating a solid model-primitive solid-torus and sphere( Word档 )
ZCS{D Creating a solid model-primitive solid-cylinder and cone( Word档 )
p;m2RHYF Creating a solid model-primitive solid-block and sphere( Word档 )
(3+:/,{'$ The User Interace-Modeless dialog boxes( Word档 )
1?bX$$yl; The User Interface-Object and Surface( Word档 )
_<1uO=km6 The User Interface-the main windows and the system tree ( Word档 )
^gD%#3>X The User Interface-the main menu and tool bars( Word档 )
VwV`tKit The User Interface-multiple model in multiple views( Word档 )
XK4idC How does TracePro implement solid modeling( Word档 )
');QmN%J Why Solid Modeling( Word档 )
Introduction( Word档 )
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