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    只看该作者 10楼 发表于: 2015-03-11
    回 hopebox 的帖子
    hopebox: 3=S |U,  
    I don't think there are many resources on UDS but the chapter in the user manual about surface types. ZEMAX people would expect that the users learn it from the examples provided in the directory I mentioned in the previous reply.
    About 角色散, I don't think there is a parameter that provides this information directly but you can make use of the relevant operand that returns the ray angle.   2[ sY?C  
    您能详细解释一下这个程序吗? _/[qBe  
    if (FD->cv == 0.0) L03I:IJ  
                     { -]EL|_;  
                     UD->ln =  0.0; 1q}32^>+o  
                     UD->mn =  0.0; Kq7r+ A  
                     UD->nn = -1.0; ? Fqh i  
                               if (Refract(FD->n1, FD->n2, &UD->l, &UD->m, &UD->n, UD->ln, UD->mn, UD->nn)) return(-FD->surf); AArLNXzVW  
                return(0); #rHMf%0  
                } <5Vf3KoC&  
             /* okay, not a plane. */ v}>g* @  
                            a = (UD->n) * (UD->n) * FD->k + 1; DksYKv  
                            b = ((UD->n)/FD->cv) - (UD->x) * (UD->l) - (UD->y) * (UD->m); }$?FR  
                            c = (UD->x) * (UD->x) + (UD->y) * (UD->y); lw=kTYbq  
                            rad = b * b - a * c; =B&|\2`{)  
                            if (rad < 0) return(FD->surf);  /* ray missed this surface */ YB*)&@yx  
                            if (FD->cv > 0) t = c / (b + sqrt(rad)); +m_ .?V6  
                            else           t = c / (b - sqrt(rad)); Y XhZWo{B  
                            (UD->x) = (UD->l) * t + (UD->x); 6Dd>ex!-A  
                            (UD->y) = (UD->m) * t + (UD->y); gD$&OkH  
                            (UD->z) = (UD->n) * t + (UD->z); GTs,?t16/  
                            UD->path = t; GEPWb[Oa  
                            zc = (UD->z) * FD->cv; COi15( G2  
                            rad = zc * FD->k * (zc * (FD->k + 1) - 2) + 1; F'~r?D  
                            casp = FD->cv / sqrt(rad); kn#?+Q  
                            UD->ln = (UD->x) * casp; 3P_.SF  
                            UD->mn = (UD->y) * casp; s:<y\1Ay  
                            UD->nn = ((UD->z) - ((1/FD->cv) - (UD->z) * FD->k)) * casp; /OKp(u;)z  
             if (Refract(FD->n1, FD->n2, &UD->l, &UD->m, &UD->n, UD->ln, UD->mn, UD->nn)) return(-FD->surf); 4Q+,_iP  
    本帖提到的人: @hopebox