个位前辈们~ 1t}
我也是个初学者..好多功能都不太会用~~ _kdt0Vr,L
我想要制作一个Fresnel透镜来聚光.. #Ve@D@d[
但是在CodeV里面的内建套件却没找到~~ &/(JIWc1su
后来翻说明书后他提供一个制作设定 ^Vg-fO]V
我把他贴在下面~~ vrIWw?/z?
但是如他的说法执行之后.. ^9 ^DA!'
他的方向不是我要的阿~~ z/wwe\ a5
我试着改变里面的参数.. ~W-5-Nl{s
F8|m i`f-
能不能请各位帮我解一下迷津 {Mc;B9W
说明书的制作法为 >1$Vh=\OI
WL 550 V/BU(`~i
NAO 0.5 avW33owb@
DIM I h_6c9VI
S0 0 1 v(zfq'^%`
S 0 9 ! Dummy surface to be the stop |q
c <C&O
STO i&j]FX6q
S 0 1 BK7 W0<2*7s
UD2 +*wr=9>
UCO C1 -10 ! XZ radius is -10 o8~<t]Ejw
UCO C2 -0.1051 ! Surface is tilted 6 deg. " -S@R=bi
UCO C76 1 ! Type 1 default UD2 surface J~AmRo0!k
S -6.05 1 6eb~Z6n&?
UD2 605 ! 605 user storage locations required %e(DPX
UCO C1 -12 ! XZ radius is -12 5,?^SK|'x
UCO C2 -0.1051 ! Surface is tilted 6 deg. Q9i[?=F:z
UCO C14 -4 ! Back cut zones origin is at -4 q4Mv2SPT
UCO C15 20 ! 20 zones in + direction ij?Ww'p9>
UCO C16 20 ! 20 zones in - direction a}X.ewg
UCO C76 1 ! Type 1 default UD2 surface &]pY~zVc
UCO C78 0.5 ! Maximum sag for all zones is 0.5 ~-#Jcw$+n=
UCO C79 0.25 ! Maximum sag for center zone is 0.25 OR}+)n{
UCO C82 10 ! Bounding box x dimension 8`_tnARIX
UCO C83 10 ! Bounding box y dimension 51;[R8'w
UCO C84 10 ! Bounding box z dimension D#gC-,
S 0 9 ! Dummy surface (will be NSS exit port) #I\" 'n5M
S 0 0 ! Dummy surface (Si-1 must be sequential) AWd,qldv