(2012-08-09 10:32)
1_Av_X You could check "Scan Type" setting under Field Curvature/Distortion curve to either scan across x or y direction. In addition, you could use Grid Distortion, which give you an overview of distortion.
|pq9i)e& /Ah&d@b For coma, it normally displays as a parabolic curve in Ray Fan plot but it can be a bit complicated to analyse if you also have other dominating aberrations. Another way to look into coma is by looking at Zernike Standard Coefficeint, the term 5 and 6 correspond to coma in y and x orientation respectively. ZERN operands should help to extract these values.
V s=o@ /s=veiH However, these are only for the third order. Once you go higher order aberrations, the conversion between Seidel and Zernike becomes not so stright forward.