请教下各位高手,CODEV如何进行消热差设计,是用thermpik宏么?具体操作怎么弄呢?我把温度范围输进去,结果得到 1z-.e$&z
************************************************** `sYFQ+D#O
* WARNING * ^r\rpSN
* * pd'0|
* All Solves & Pickups have been deleted * {'O><4
* * }UW7py!TN
* The Starting Lens has been Dezoomed to Z1 * 0
* * j HHWq>=d
* Please check the resulting thermal zoom lens * )Fv.eIBY
* carefully to verify validity of the set-up * +{I_%SsG
* * Z;.-UXat
************************************************** /e '3\,2_
ERROR - The macro THERM_ENV.SEQ was not found :x\[aG9
It is recommended that you copy the sample ]^~}/@
from the CV_MACRO directory into your @N>7+
working directory, and edit it appropriately JnBUW"
这是哪里的问题呢?用ZEMAX多重结构直接就出来了啊。。。。。。 `$6o*g>:
请各位高手指教下,如果有推荐的资料也可以,我这里的CODEV资料都查过了,没查到相关的东西。 EJkHPn
谢谢啦!!!!! :X;G]B