资源里面,介绍光刻的比较少, 今天分享一本最新介绍光刻技术的英文教材Optical Lithography - Here is Why - B J Lin 2010 jmmm0,#D
Contents X5cl'J(j9
Preface .................................................................................................... [2gK^o&t
Chapter 1 Introducing Optical Lithography >lU[
Chapter 2 Exposure Systems @>_`g=
Chapter 3 Image Formation WQ<J<$$uu
Chapter 4 The Metrics of Lithography 29
Chapter 5 Components in Optical Lithography t;TMD\BU
Chapter 6 Processing and Optimization B t-o:)pa
Chapter 7 Immersion Lithography _p\
Chapter 8 Outlook and Successors to Optical Lithography