大家好!附件中是NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies的Michael I. Mishchenko,Larry D. Travis和Andrew A. Lacis合写的著作《Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles》,由剑桥
%xE\IRlR ]2kgG*^n" Part I Basic Theory of Electromagnetic Scattering, Absorption, and Emission
Np>[mNmga Chapter 1 Polarization characteristics of electromagnetic radiation
?ic 7M Chapter 2 Scattering, absorption, and emission of electromagnetic radiation by an arbitrary finite particle
.,t"iC:E Chapter 3 Scattering, absorption, and emission by collections of independent particles
%zx=rn(K Chapter 4 Scattering matrix and macroscopically isotropic and mirror-symmetric scattering media
l?:!G7ie Fw!CssW Part II Calculation and Measurement of Scattering and Absorption Characteristics of Small Particles
(J(JB}[X, Chapter 5 T-matrix method and Lorenz-Mie theory
QE *B Chapter 6 Miscellaneous exact techniques
>'3J. FY Chapter 7 Approximations
&KC^Vn3Nj Chapter 8 Measurement techniques
LyM" qP<wf=wY Part III Scattering and Absorption Properties of Small Particles and Illustrative Applications
n5i#GvO^ Chapter 9 Scattering and absorption properties of spherical particles
OHixOI$O Chapter 10 Scattering and absorption properties of nonspherical particles
A+d&aE}3V eIjn~2^ Appendix A Spherical wave expansion of a plane wave in the far-field zone
b&s"/Y89 Appendix B Wigner functions, Jacobi polynomials, and generalized spherical functions
{7!WtH;- Appendix C Scalar and vector spherical wave functions
gR)T(%W Appendix D Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and Wigner 3j symbols
E"7 iU Appendix E System International units
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