SPIE 2011 Tutorial Texts 系列,共11本,我会逐步上传分享。
cu0IFNF}[ 1, Optical Design Applying the Fundamentals
|0y#} |/ 2, The Design of Plastic Optical Systems
:BF ? r 3, Computational Fourier Optics A MATLAB Tutorial
P#~B@d 4, Direct-Detection LADAR Systems
p?rlx#M 5, Introduction to Imaging Spectrometers
!=,4tg` 6, Modeling the Imaging Chain of Digital Cameras
_]>1(8_N 7, Nanotechnology A Crash Course
N"ga-u 8, Optical Design of Microscopes.pdf
Qv$ 9, Analysis and Evaluation of Sampled Imaging System
G-Tmk7m 10, Bioluminescence and Fluorescence for In Vivo Imaging
RU:Rt' 11, Polarization in Optical Fibers
y!77gx?- xLz=)k['' Hope helpful.
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