這是好書一本… LE5.b]tv2
程度中等 >Rvx[`|O!m
雖然用oslo為例,但是並不會影響閱讀 [ EFMu;q
值得下載…雖然是scan版的 S po?i.#
1. Introduction |@ ,|F:h<M
2. Historical Review j'[m:/
2.1 Definition of Optical Engineering w-Nhs6
2.2 Ancient History iGB_{F~t4}
2.3 Medieval Optics Uv
2.4 From 1600 to the 1900s ~\x:<)
2.5 Speed of Light ;.xoN|Per
2.6 Modern Optical Engineering >hBxY]< \
2.7 Case History: Optics in the United States /bj
2.8 Recent Incident: the Hubble Telescope Go,N>HN
2.9 Review and Summary 8+]hpa,q
3. Basic Concepts of Light ikWtC]y
3.1 Light: an Elusive Topic f\'{3I29
3.2 Understanding Light izh<I0
3.3 Velocity, Wavelength, and Frequency DG4d"Jy
3.4 Wavefronts and Light Rays e%8|<g+n6
3.5 Light Sources M"%Q&o/I
3.6 Behavior of Light Rays Y(cN}44
3.7 Refraction ^c~)/F/cF
3.8 Refraction by a Lens &//wSlL3
3.9 Dispersion and Color k = ?h~n0M
3.10 Diffraction of Light E?(xb B
3.11 Review and Summary e8YMX&0%
4. Thin-Lens Theory ZmOfEg|h\
4.1 Definition of Thin Lens 3=-4%%[M@
4.2 Properties of a Thin Lens G'YH6x,
4.3 Aperture Stop, Entrance and Exit Pupils, and Field Stop .2J
4.4 Reference Coordinate System +T9:Udi
4.5 Thin-Lens Power vI$t+m:
4.6 Ray Trace of a Thin Lens (Object at Infinity) ?+T^O?r|O
4.7 Ray Trace of a Thin Lens (Finite Object Distance) hhoEb(BA
4.8 Rounding Off ~Lc066bLeq
4.9 Thin-Lens Formulas {3N'D2N
4.10 Applications of Thin-Lens Theory %OgS^_tu
4.11 Mock-up of the Thin-Lens System @HZKc\1
4.12 Review and Summary E}%hz*Q)(
5. Optical Design Basics kB5.(O
5.1 Introduction ]|<w\\^A
5.2 Historical Perspective 3\T2?w9u(
5.3 OSLO Optical Design Software Package 42>Ge>#F
5.4 Introduction to Computer Design using OSLO ~=R SKyzt
5.5 Laser Transmitting System eNiaM6(J
5.6 Instrument Design and Analysis 1-.~7yC
5.7 Magnification Analysis oK{ V7
5.8 Design of a Noncatalog System hHqh{:q{v
5.9 Review and Summary k6=nO?$
6. Primary Lens Aberrations EGl^!.'
6.1 Introduction VLBE'3Qg1
6.2 Spot Diagram, Radial Energy Distribution, and Modulation Transfer Function !n6wWl
6.3 Spherical Aberration 5U_H>oD
6.4 Coma h*u`X>!!
6.5 Field Curvature LJoGpr8
6.6 Astigmatism KR7@[
6.7 Distortion /%lZu^
6.8 Axial Color fib}b?vk
6.9 Lateral Color qY 4#V k
6.10 Aberration Curves ktDC/8
6.11 Point-Spread Function Analysis _)]CzBRq\6
6.12 Review and Summary `K,1K
7. Optical Components jD7Nb lX
7.1 Introduction G%d
7.2 Lens wcDRH)AW.
7.3 Mirror r,_?F7
7.4 Prisms %'0TXr$
7.5 Review and Summary VY)s+Bx
8. Basic Optical Instruments tE7[Smzuf
8.1 Introduction 6"dD2WV/
8.2 Magnifier, or Loupe IHRGw
8.3 Eyepiece v9T_&
8.4 Microscope 'U'yC2BI n
8.5 Telescope q`r**N+zn
8.6 Binoculars o]opdw
8.7 Riflescope pxa(
8.8 Surveying and Optical Tooling Instruments k1!@^A
8.9 Periscope, Borescope, and Endoscope %Z1N;g0
8.10 Review and Summary )Eo)t>
9. Optical Materials and Coatings ZMq6/G*fD
9.1 Introduction 0L/n ?bf
9.2 Optical Glass "
9.3 Low-Expansion Materials ^f(@gS}?
9.4 Surface Losses and Antireflection Coatings )-._FOZ6
9.5 Materials for Infrared Systems /~<@ *-'
9.6 Optical Plastics *IM;tD+7Q~
9.7 Review and Summary LSRk7'0
10. Visual Optical System *Em,*!
10.1 Introduction *I0T{~
10.2 Structure of the Eye Ct>GYk$
10.3 Resolution of the Eye % oo2/aF
10.4 Visual Instrument Design Considerations <.? jc%
10.5 Visual Instrument Focus _D+J!f^
10.6 Visual Instrument Detailed Lens Design O`<KwUx !
10.7 Review and Summary FIsyiSY<j
11. Lens Design and Evaluation \7'+h5a
11.1 Introduction aYSCw3C<
11.2 Lens Design Process ?pd8w#O
11.3 10× Telescope Design KGFv"u{
11.4 Precision Collimator Lens Design Uw7h=UQh
11.5 Precision Imager Lens Design >o=-$gz`
11.6 Unusual Lens Design Task n~V ]Z
11.7 Review and Summary &:`U&06q
12. Optics in Our World 3(,?S$>
12.1 Introduction _+E5T*dk
12.2 Optical Illusions: Size ,JQp'e
12.3 Other Optical Illusions 1waTTT?"Ho
12.4 Seeing the Third Dimension 1bn^.768l
12.5 Optics and the Compact Disk 6l:qD` _
12.6 Optics and the Projection TV @P?~KW6<|
12.7 Optics and Photography e-EUf
12.8 Optics of the Rainbow u@cYw:-C
12.9 Review and Summary