附件是加州大学的L. A. COLDREN与S. W. CORZINE合写的著作《Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits》,有需要的可以下载。目录如下: ^S'}RZ*>
1. Ingredients -82Rz
2. A Phenomenological Approach to Diode lasers &+=A;Y)
3. Mirrors and Resonators for Diode Lasers RZ9vQ\X
4. Gain and Current Relations `AeId/A4n
5. Dynamic Effects +s
6. Perturbation and Coupled-Mode Theory Nrva?W_i
7. Dielectric Waveguides LZV
8. Photonic Integrated Circuits |r!G(an1x4
1. Review of Elementary Solid-State Physics )R+@vh#Q<$
2. Relationships between Fermi Energy and Carrier Density and Leakage NA>h$N
3. Introduction to Optical Waveguiding in Simple Double Heterostructures M;={] w@n
4. Density of Optical Modes, Blackbody Radiation, and Spontaneous Emission Factor >sdj6^[+
5. Modal Gain, Modal loss, and Confinement Factors SY_T\
6. Einstein's Approach to Gain and Spontaneous Emission aHe/MucK
7. Periodic Structures and the Transmission Matrix UwrinkoeE
8. Electronic States in Semiconductors a= ;7
9. Fermi's Golden Rule FJgr=9>
10. Transition Matrix Element MOY.$M,1
11. Strained Bandgaps d>}pz
12. Threshold Energy for Auger Processes UHF.R>Ry
13. Langevin Noise i2A>T/?{
14. Derivation Details for Perturbation Formulas "?hEGJ;m"
15. The Electro-Optic Effect kehv85
16. Solution of Finite Difference Problems .{LFc|Z[
17. Optimizing Laser Cavity Designs