《现代通信光电子学》 第六版,大名鼎鼎的雅里夫就不用多介绍了吧,希望觉得好的XD们顶一下 :=g.o;(/N
Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern Communications vP]9;mQ
Hardcover: 848 pages 4_Rdp`x#J
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; 6 edition (January 26, 2006) 5rN_jC*U
Language: English mVf.sA8
ISBN-10: 0195179463 XSD%t8<LO
ISBN-13: 978-0195179460 9 pKm*n&
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7.7 x 1.4 inches #a}N"*P
[ post]Product Description n
Due to its central role in modern communications technologies, photonics--or optical electronics--has evolved dynamically over the last ten years. Photonics by Amnon Yariv and Pochi Yeh is extensively revised and updated to keep pace with this unprecedented development. Now more tailored to optical communication, the sixth edition integrates material on generating and manipulating optical radiation and designing photonic components for the transmission of information. It also presents a broader theoretical underpinning and more explanations of mathematical derivations than the previous edition. oj.lj!
The text describes the basic physics and principles of operation of major photonic components in optical communications and electronics. These components include optical resonators, various lasers, waveguides, optical fibers, gratings, and photonic crystals. photonics, Sixth Edition, also covers the transmission, modulation, amplification, and detection of optical beams in optical networks, as well as nonlinear optical effects in fibers. It assumes a background in electromagnetic theory, Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic wave propagation. `q?RF+
Including numerous examples throughout, Photonics, Sixth Edition, is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in photonics, optoelectronics, or optical communications. It is also a useful reference for practicing engineers and scientists. hTS|_5b
New Material in the Sixth Edition r%MyR8'k]
Stokes Parameters and Poincare Sphere: polarization states in birefringent optical networks, principal states of polarization 8GB]95JWwp
Fermat's Principle: rays, beam propagation, and the Fresnel diffraction integral =:K@zlO:
Matrix Formulation: wave propagation in multi-cavity etalons, multi-layer structures, mode coupling, and supermodes in mode-locked lasers N=fz/CD)I
Dispersion: chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) in fibers and their compensation uCUu!Vfeg
Coupled Resonators Optical Waveguides (CROWs): matrix formulation, critical coupling and dispersion relation .j 'wQ+_
Nonlinear Optical Effects in Fibers: self-phase modulation, cross-phase modulation, stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), optical four-wave mixing, and spectral reversal (phase conjugation) X\A]"su
Electroabsorption: waveguide electro-optic Mach-Zehnder modulators JieU9lA^&B
Photonic Crystals: Bloch wave formulation, photonic bands, photonic bandgaps, periodic layered media, fiber Bragg gratings, and Bragg reflection waveguides b~wKF0vq
Optical Amplifiers: SOA, EDFA, and Raman Kdt|i93
About the Author gRvJ.Q {h
Amnon Yariv is Martin and Eileen Summerfeld Professor of Applied Physics at the California Institute of Technology. >ZCo 8aK
Pochi Yeh is Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara. I)[B9rbe
1. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves u~Lu<3v
2. Rays and Optical Beams S:97B\u`
3. Guided waves in Dielectric Slabs and Fibers ;/A}}B]y
4. Optical Resonators -N^=@Yx)
5. Interaction of Radiation and Atomic Systems Sr7@ buF
6. Theory of Laser Oscillation and Some Specific Laser Systems nZW4} ~0j
7. Chromatic Dispersion and Polarization Mode Dispersion in Fibers &q>h*w4O
8. Nonlinear Optics &wGg6$
9. Electro-Optic Modulation of Laser Beams m.146
10. Noise in Optical Detection and Generation %Rn:GK
11. Detection of Optical Radiation vahf]2jEB
12. wave propagation in Periodic Media M)=|<h"F
13. Waveguide Coupling cju@W] !
14. Nonlinear Optical Effects in Fibers !u0U5>ccw
15. Semiconductor Lasers-Theory and Applications Oy'0I,
16. Advanced Semiconductor Lasers a(Sv,@/
17. Optical Amplifiers 7K !GK
18. Classical Treatment of Quantum Noise and Squeezed States bw;iz,Z
Appendixes: nOuN|q=C
A. Wave Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates and Bessel Functions n2;(1qr
B. Exact Solutions of the Step-Index Circular Waveguide g^n;IE$B
C. Kramers-Kronig Relations lxOqs:b
D. Transformation of a Coherent Electromagnetic Field by a Thin Lens =#'+"+lQ }
E. Fermi Level and its Temperature Dependence V<W02\Hs
F. Electro-optic Effect in Cubic 43m Crystals !h/dZ`#
G. Conversion for Power Units and Attenuation Units