引用第2楼我是菜鸟于2009-10-02 15:16发表的 :
AX] cM)w 谢谢,有封面吗?传个截图比较好。
ri1;i= W
so>jz@!EE 我给个目录大标题吧:
xFzaVjjP 1 History of Optics
Z/Y\ 2 Mathematics Used for Expressing Waves
u*m|o8 3 Basic Theory of Diffraction
0aqq*e'c 4 Practical Examples of Diffraction Theory
o}=c(u 5 Geometrical Optics
B;^1W{%J 6 Lenses
bIXD(5y 7 The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
]p@q.P 8 Holography
LL_@nvu}M 9 Laboratory Procedures for Fabricating Holograms
V$}qa{P 10 Analysis of the Optical System in the Spatial Frequency Domain
D%9;KQ8 11 Optical Signal Processing
Ms=N+e$n 12 Applications of Microwave Holography
C({r1l4[D 13 Fiber Optical Communication
-7IRlP& 14 Electro and Accousto Optics
15 Integrated Optics
(5l'?7 16 3D Imaging
98Y1-Z^ . 属于泛泛的导论课吧,呵呵,内容很多,要深入可以参考比较专业的书