摘要:LED 具有安全、长寿命、高光效、可调光的优点,近年来对LED 道路照明灯具的研究和产品开发已成为关注焦点。本文通过对符合道路照明的灯具配光的标杆性评价方法,以及对LED 路灯测试数据的分析,揭示了评价LED 路灯光度特性优劣的核心方法, 并用此方法对2007 年至今的LED 道路照明灯具的状况进行了分析。 cd#TKmh7re
Abstract:LED has the advantages of safety, longevity, high efficacy and controllable and so on. In the latest years, it has been become a hotspot of product research and development on LED luminaries for road lighting. Sharing the requirement of road lighting and the benchmark which evaluation the characteristic of luminaire lighting distribution, and the analyses of measured datum, the article open out the key manner for estimate the photometry of the LED road lighting luminaire. And this key manner is Ho|n\7$
also use for analyzing the status of LED road lighting luminaire from 2007 till now. Rwk|cqr
关键词:LED 路灯 光输出 截光 配光照度均匀度 亮度均匀度 L}+!<Ug
Key words: LED luminaries, light output, cut-off, lighting distribution, uniformity of illuminance, uniformity of lluminance