一些激光领域的专业图书 "9hD4R
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Laser Cleaning Boris Lukiyanchuk (Editor) 2002 Wq 1OYZ,
Laser-arc Processes and Their Applications in Welding and Material Treatment Igor Krivtsun (2002) b"td]H3h
Laser-tissue Interactions: Fundamentals and Applications M. Niemz (2002) =1!.g"0
The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling John Michael Dowden 2001 !,b&e
LIA Handbook of Laser Materials Processing J.F. Ready (Editor) 2001 `RU RC"
High-power Lasers in Manufacturing Xiangli Chen (Editor) 2000 ;F%EW`7
Laser Modification of the Wettability Characteristics of Engineering Materials Lin Li 2000 '?NMQ
Handbook of the Eurolaser Academy D Schuocker 1997 L9,GUtK{
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A selection of texts on Laser Material Processing Q=[ IO,f
Laser Material Processing W M Steen 1998 )`W|J%w+
Industrial Applications of Lasers J F Ready 1997 E"/k"1@
Lasers in Surface Engineering N B Dahotre 1998 qn{9vr
Proceedings of Laser Materials Processing Conference: Icalco'97 1997 c;yp}k]\
1998 Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics Europe x|^p9m"=%
Applications of Lasers and Laser Systems D Beach 1993 &FZ~n?;hQ
Basics of Laser Material Processing A G Grigoryants 1993 w_QWTD0
Beam Technologies for Integrated Processing 1992 uz3 ?c6b
CO2 Laser Cutting J Powell 1998 kxA T
Design, Construction and Operation of Industrial CO2 Lasers R C Crafer 1996 wF6a*b@v
Excimer Lasers L D Laude 1994 .p'McCV=
Free Electron Lasers C E Chen 1989 $kR%G{j 4
Guide for Laser Materials Processing LIA 1993 YF;2jl Nm
Handbook of the Eurolaser Academy D Schuocker 1997 [z;}^ 3b
High-power Laser Ablation C R Phipps 1998 9&B#@cw
Industrial Laser Handbook M Levitt 1992 6Rg>h
Introduction to Engineering Lasers 1 P J Oakley 1997 pf yJL?_%
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Introduction to Optics and Lasers in Engineering G Laufer 1996 28}L.>5k
Laser Applications in Surface Science and Technology H-G Rubahn 1999 :8+x&zn
Laser Engineering K J Kuhn 1998 wIF'|"
Laser Machining and Welding N Rykalin 1980 }^n"t>Z8
Laser Microfabrication D J Ehrlich 1989 =gd~rk9
Laser Processing in Manufacturing 2 R Crafer 1992 Vm I
Laser Welding C A Dawes 1992 bi-z%!Z
Laser Welding W W Duley 1998 a`C2:Z23(#
Laser Cleaning in Conservation M Cooper 1997 0NvicZ7VR
Laser Heating of Metals A M Prohkorov 1990 Yfz`or\@=
Laser Interaction with Matter S J Rose 1995 {p(6bsn_#]
Laser Ablation: Mechanisms and Applications II J Miller 1993 !\Xrl) $j{
Laser Applications W V Smith SU~ljAF4
Laser Processing of Materials K Mukherjee 1987 k$7Kz"
Laser Ablation J C Miller 1994 JRtDjZ4>
Laser and Plasma Applications B C Tan 1994 "%rU1/@#
Laser Machining G Chryssolouris 1991 1u }2}c|
Laser-beam Interactions with Materials M v Allmen 1995 }tH_YF}u
Physics of High Power Laser Matter Interactions H Takabe 1992 Te^_gdf
The Physics of Laser-atom Interactions D Suter 1997 >ca`0gu
Short Pulse Laser Interactions with Matter; An Introduction P Gibbon 1999 =%[vHQ\%
Theory and Application of Laser Chemical Vapour Deposition A Kar 1996 zItGoJu
UV Lasers: Effects and Applications in Materials Science W W Duley 1996 [zCKJR
A selection of texts on Optics (~PT(B?
Lasers and Holography: An Introduction to Coherent Optics W E Kock 1981 1n>AN.nI
Semiconductor Lasers I: Fundamentals (Optics and Photonics) E Kapon 1998 r|953e
Elements of Optical Design D C O'Shea 1985 Orlf5{P
Fundamentals of Laser Optics K Iga 1994 m='_O+ $
Fundamentals of Polarized Light C Brosseau 1998 ,LU|WXRB
Handbook of Lens Design D Malacara 1994 a3 t||@v!
Holographic Interferometry P K Rastogi 1994 2>^jMln
Introduction to Fibre Optics A K Ghatak 1998 ]4\6_J&
Introduction to Optical Engineering F T S Yu 1997 "Z-YZ>2
Mastering Optics J Blackwell 1995 @<
Microoptics J Jahns 1998 v/Xz.?a\jF
Optical Principles and Technology for Engineers J E Stewart 1996 7;sF0oB5e
Optics J W Blaker 1994 i)]^b{5nyB
Optics and Lasers G G Petrash 1994 Gs*X> D
Optics and Lasers M Young 1992 2(9~G|C.
Principles of Optics M Born 1999 S<w?,Z
Understanding Fiber Optics J Hecht 1998 TSRl@QVy
A selection of texts on Rapid Prototyping +OOmy
Advances in Rapid Prototyping G Bennet 1998 {-)I2GJav
Developments in Rapid Prototyping and Tooling G Bennet 1997 srS5-fs
Rapid Prototyping R-J Ahlers 1997 +3R/g@n
Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing P Jacobs 1992 [ofZ1hB4
Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Research G Bennett 1995 yV)9KGV+:
A selection of texts on Lasers in Medicine C'joJEo
Cutaneous Laser Surgery M P Goldman 1998 *i,A(f'e4X
Lasers and Optical Fibers in Medicine (Physical Techniques in Biology and Medicine) A Katzir 1993 p,mKgL63
Laser Surgery and Medicine : Principles and Practice C A Puliafito 1996 #\3X;{
Excimer Laser Therapy D T Azar 1997 )6U^!95
Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology M L Wolbarsht 1991 -JdNA2P
Laser Systems for Photobiology and Photomedicine A N Chester 1991 M{XBmDfN
Medical Laser Endoscopy D M Jensen 1990 (S63:q&g
Therapeutic Laser Endoscopy in Gastrointestinal Disease D Fleischer 1983 gt(!I^LHYc
A selection of texts on Lasers Safety @dhnpR:L
A Guide to Laser Safety H R Henderson 1997 %? O$xQ.<
Laser Safety Handbook A Mallow 1978 KzZRFEA_
Laser and Eye Safety in the Laboratory L Matthews 1994 FBA th
Medical Laser Safety H Moseley 1987 "Q1oSpF
Medical Lasers and Their Safe Use D H Sliney 1992 /+?eSgM/
Products Evolved During Laser Cutting of Plastics Health and Safety Executive 1995 GrM`\MIO
The Use of Lasers in the Workplace International Labour Organization 1993 S@WT;Q2Z
A selection of texts on Lasers History Ap<j;s4`
Laser Pioneers J Hecht 1991 %07vH&<C.
The Laser in America, 1950-1970 J L Bromberg 1991 N9PEn[t@
Making Waves (Masters of Modern Physics) C H Townes 1994 7$JE+gL/7
How the Laser Happened C H Townes 1999 _Q\<|~
Twenty Five Years of the Laser 1985 ])Z p|?Y
A selection of texts on Lasers General "'I|#dKoG
The Blue Laser Diode S Nakamura 1996 '.t{\
Laser Experiments for Beginners R N Zare 1995 +)*oPSQ5
Laser Fundamentals W T Silfvast 1996 v}uzUY
Laser Optoacoustics V E Gusev 1993 7k#0EhN 1>
Lasers A E Siegman 1986 zw%1a 3!
Principles of Lasers O Svelto 1998 ##yH*{/&
Semiconductor Raman Lasers K Suto 1994 8 v<*xy
Tunable Laser Diodes M-C Amann 1998 )bB
Tunable Lasers Handbook F J Duarte 1995 Ak@y"!wnM
Ultrafast Diode Lasers : Fundamentals and Applications Qs8Rb ]%|
Advances in Laser Science IV J L Gole <*db%{
Basics of Interaction of Laser Radiation with Matter N B Delone 1994 /wJocx]vQ
Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes A Yoshikawa 1996 ZtOv'nTD
Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes II K Onabe 1998 _>Oc>.MB
Chemical Lasers N G Basov 1990 NPt3#k^bW
Diode Laser Arrays Dan Botez 1994 M HKnHPv
Dye Laser Principles : with Applications F J Duarte 1990 )3)fq:[
Dye Lasers F P Schafer 1990 x Z`h8
Frontiers in Laser Spectroscopy T W Hansch 1994 bHioM{S
Fundamentals of Optical Parametric Processes and Oscillations C L Tang 1995 'TDp%s*;
High Speed Diode Lasers S A Gurevich 1998 lxtt+R
Introduction to Laser Physics K Shimoda 1986 E{IY7Xz^>
An Introduction to Laser Spectroscopy D L Andrews 1995 \|C~VU@
Introduction to the Theory of Laser-atom Interactions M H Mittleman 1993 uP2Wy3`V
The Laser Guidebook J Hecht 1992 jFwJ1W;?-
Lasers : Theory and Practice J Hawkes 1994 `&FfGftc
Lasers J Wilson 1987 =nG>aAG
Laser Applications in Remote Sensing W B Grant 1998 _/h<4G6A
Laser Beam Diagnostics R N Hindy 1996 H:,Hr_;nC
Laser Sources and Applications A Miller 1996 kntULI$`
Laser Acceleration of Particles P J Channell 1993 UZ7ukn-
Lasers: Theory and Practice Baur 1997 OBnvY2)Ri
Laser-tissue Interactions M Niemz 1996 cjf_,x
Semiconductor Laser Diodes M E Fabian 1981