求以下4篇文献,望兄弟姐妹们帮忙,小弟感激不尽~~ _4%+TN6z
1. Winston R , Ries H. Nonimaging reflectors as functionals of the desired irradiance[J ] . J Opt Soc Am A , 1993 , 10 (9) : 1902 —1908. HpNf f0c
2. Ries H , Winston R. Tailored edge- ray reflectors for illumination[J ] . J Opt Soc Am A , 1994 , 11 (4) : 1260 —1264. P_&2HA,I
3. Ries H , Rabl A. Edge- ray principle of nonimaging optics [J ] . J Opt Soc Am A , 1994 , 11 (10) : 2627 —2632. ,a5I:V^\
4. Davis P A. Edge- ray principle of nonimaging optics[J ] . J Opt Soc Am A , 1994 , 11 (4) : 1256 —1259.