s6QD^[ Writes out IES-format file.
=gB8(1g8 )x<BeD Function
j[A:So &~c`p [ Display/Modify Energy Distributions
iwy;9x 81H9d6hqcD Syntax
#||D,[ _=+ 3lTnfc& IESFILE [ name [ ELLIP w l h ] ] [ PAD [ p ] ] [ 'string' ]
J$U_/b.mk RECT
D\| U_> hEFOT]P4 Option Description
*L~?.9R name name of the created file (extension is .IES)
Tol"D2cyf ELLIP or RECT add the devices ELLIPtical or RECTangular width, length, and height to the file's header
(((|vI3 < w width of the elliptical or rectangular device
\&l@rMD3s l length of the elliptical or rectangular device
G+&pq h height of the elliptical or rectangular device
Vg(M ^2L PAD p flag to pad the distribution with p values (default is minimum)
Q_Wg4n5 'string' adds a comment string to the file's header
Wm Remarks
z+{xW7 ];'7~",Y n Writes out a standard IESNA photometric file (name.IES) of an angular distribution created by either a RADIANT command (A or C photometry where the polar axis becomes vertical) or a SPOTS DIR and ANGLES combination (B photometry).
n The devices RECTangular or ELLIPtical width w, length l, height h, and a comment string may be added to the file's header.
cbYQ';{ .%!^L#g n If the distribution does not cover the whole sphere, then it can be optionally PADded with p values (default is minimum).
pfs]pDjS: CDPu(,^ !!Copyright ?1998-2002 Breault Research Organization, Inc. All rights reserved
os7xwI;T aU@1j;se@