Summary CF42KNq
This study is a detailed follow-up to two previous studies concerning stray light in the EO-1 ItOVx!"@9
telescope (see EO-1 Stray Light Analysis Reports 1 and 2). Following coating of the EO-1 flight !0Q(x
mirrors, the BRDF was measured by SSG, then re-measured by Schmitt Measurement Systems. Mh_jlgE'd#
The stray spectral radiance from the Stray Radiation Scene described in the LANDSAT 7 `GPK$ue
specification was recalculated using the Schmitt BRDF measurements and a simple spreadsheet }E/L:
calculation. This calculation assumes the Point Source Transmittance (PST) is rotationally *~ &W?i
symmetric, and does an integration over the Stray Radiation Scene. T5-4Q
To refine this estimate of stray radiance, ray-trace simulations were done using TracePro to better ;xth#j
predict the PST. The PST was used to calculate the stray spectral radiance using a C++ computer )2^OBfl7
program written for this purpose. The stray spectral radiance was computed by integrating over k9R1E/;
the LANDSAT 7 Stray Radiation Scene, weighed by the PST.