optics and it's Applications(经典
{pHM},WJ >~Qr 市场价:¥110.00
'`Wwt.A 卓越价:¥96.60 为您节省:13.40元 (88折)
pm9%%M$ '_$uW&{NI VV9_`myN7 nM0[P6p 出版社:世界图书出版公司
&i 页码:502 pages
qVs\Y3u( ISBN:7506259400
:,DM*zBVp 条码:9787506259408
hsw9(D>jp 版次:2003年6月第1版
Bk+{RN(w 装帧:平装
@_LN3zP 开本:24开
2~t[RY 价格:110.0元
YXI'gn2b# ~jb"5CX 作者:(美)(M.Mansuripur)
1Zi,b \~5C7^_ Preface
jH6&q~# Introduction
+EAT:, 1 Abbe's sine condition
d` [HT`` 2 Fourier optics
E~AjK'Z 3 Effect of polarization on diffraction in systems of high numerical aperture
KW7UUXL 4 Gaussian beam optics
oy;K_9\ 5 Coherent and incoherent imaging
.YZgOJi 6 First-order temporal coherence in classical optics
0pSmj2/,. 7 The van Cittert-Zernike theorem
2 8 Partial polarization,Stokes parameters,and the Poincare sphere
A?@@*$& 9 What in the world are surface plasmons?
<2nZ&M4/s{ 10 The Faraday effect
np4+" 11 The magneto-optical Kerr effect
UYz0PSV=. 12 Fabry-Perot etalons in polarized light
Hp(D);0+) 13 The Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem
}`NU@O# 14 Reciprocity in classical linear optics
MG?0>^F 15 Linear optical vortices
Rd>B0;4 16 Geometric-optical rays,Poynting‘s vector,and the field momenta
T_lsGu/ 17 Diffraction gratings
CV{r5Sye 18 The Talbot effect
\fjMc }' 19 Some quirks of total internal reflection
XJIv1s\g 20 Evanescent coupling
-!\fpl{ 21 Internal and external conical refraction
{Ixg2=E\ 22 The method of Fox and Li
wm+})SOX9 23 The beam propagation method
G5FaYL.7 24 Michelson's stellar interferometer
>[1W:KQA 25 Bracewell's interferometric telescope
+GAf O0 26 Scanning optical microscopy
QL$S4 J" 27 Zernike's method of phase contrast
-!8(bjlJ& 28 Polarization microscopy
Z,.G%"i3C 29 Nomarski's differential interference contrast microscope
kZ=s'QRgL 30 The van Leeuwenhoek microscope
4Ua>Yw0 31 Projection photolithography
^`D=GF^tX 32 The Ronchic test
aIXdV2QS 33 The Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor
y8\S}E0 34 Ellipsometry
> MH(0+B* 35 Holography and holographic interferometry
A?*o0I 36 Self-focusing in nonlinear optical media
ZY56\qcY 37 Laser heating of multilayer stacks
zY|klX}) Index
-`Y:~q1 ~RD+.A 市场价:¥110.00
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