给个英文的.个人理解可能会有点出入.基本上是这个意思. m"2KAq61
A candela plot is a plot of luminous intensity, or flux per solid angle. In photometric Wp0e?bK_
units, a luminous intensity plot is in units of candelas (lumens per steradian). In x4PH-f-7
radiometric units, an intensity plot is in units of watts per steradian. Candela plots uc%
are commonly used in the design of illumination systems, especially those used in `Z3Qx~fx
the far field. /\%K7\
Candela data can be collected from ray sets of Missed rays, rays Exiting a surface b6IYo!3
or rays Incident on a surface. Missed rays are a collection of all rays that “leave” ZWC-<QO"<
the model and “go off to infinity.” Exiting rays are the collection of ray segments +TzF*Np
following the intersection point of a ray at a surface. Due to ray splitting, several )\:cL GM
ray segments may contribute to the candela data for each incident ray. Incident Pez 7HKW:
rays are the collection of ray segments which intersect the selected surface. No C-;y#a)
surface selection is required for Missed rays but one is necessary for Exiting and TJ:B_F*bSk
Incident rays. >H@
The candela plots represent flux versus angle and can be smoothed using the (c/H$'
Candela Options dialog box. The iso-candela plots can be presented as false |g5B==KI
color maps or contour plots. The distribution plots are graphs of cross-sectional k)W8%=R
curves through the candela distribution. t'uZho~^F
The orientation of the candela plots is determined by the Normal Vector and the avR4#bfc
Up Vector, as specified in the Analysis|Candela Options dialog box. The C+r<DC3
normal vector specifies the axis of the candela plot and the up vector specifies z$3 3NM
“which way is up.”