马上要做论文,老师给了几个方向,因为不了解所以想请教前辈 ,3^N_>d$W
1. SiGe alloys: pdE=9l'
Research activities are: 7c+u+Yet
a) Optimization of the SiGe mixture with respect to optical and electronic properties "xh]>_;&'
b) Growth of large grain or mono crystalline layers on glass. Tj.;\a|d
c) Realization of p-n junctions to explore the solar cell parameters. u~G,=n
2. Light trapping structures: Z!#zr@'k
Research activities are: n&@\[,B
a) Application of periodic light trapping structures into thin film I) a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H or ii) a-Si:H/mc-Si tandem solar cells. Jk`A }
b) Characterization of the optical and electronic solar cell parameters. aeSXHd?+(
3. Large grain silicon N?~K9jGx(