8月31日,Autodesk 发布了 AutoCAD 2008 的 Service Pack 1 正式版,分 32 位和 64 位两个版本.请使用AutoCAD的设计师朋友们注意更新.
nc\`y,>l8 Sk/@w[ Primary Issues Resolved by the Service Pack
>}%#s`3W1_ Problems Reported with the Customer Error Reporting Utility
NjpWK;L As a result of detailed information from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, a number of problems were identified and fixed in the following areas:
AU}kIm_+ 2#sFY/@ .NET API
At?|[%<` 2D Display
, ?U)mYhI 3D Display
{H)hoAenA 3D Navigation
!%ju.Xs8 Annotation Scaling
EJ#I7_ Attributes
I;%1xdPt Blocks
_:=\h5}8 Copy and Paste
8=TC 3] Customer Involvement Program
&1yJrj9y Dashboard
wjwCs` Design Center
5n\h5 Dimensions
1W{ oj DWF Creation
&K[sb% eTransmit
TB* t^E External References
G)%V 3h File Navigation
kSzap+ nB? Hatches
Sx'oa$J Hide
_<#92v!F Images
$"W[e"Q Infocenter
wbAwmOiZ Layers
~`FRU/@r Layouts
@Kz,TP!%A Lights
@n?"*B Materials
m+;U,[%[*E Multileaders
jVd`J Multiline Text
*3fl}l Object Editing
(ct1i>g Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
Mf#@8"l Open, Save, and Close
R}gdN-941 Options
Dg.~"h5mT Object Snap
e'A_4;~@s Plot
K~,!IU_QG Properties Palette
?D _4KFr Publish
h~\k;ca Random Crashes
4X]/8%]V Recover
Lw,}wM5X Render
m(U.BXo Selection
SNOc1c<~ Sheet Set Manager
H\oxj,+N Standards
,HTwEq>-G Tables
}6\,kFc Text
F_'{:v1GW Tool Palettes
x5uz$g Tooltips
J FnE{ Trim
JI]Lz1i Undo and Redo
ftTD-d Viewports
81x/bx@L% Visual Lisp
e:nByzdH0[ General Updates
hRX9Du`$ Other changes include the following:
m`-:j"]b$ <Hr<QiAK .NET API
@[9 ObjectID.Open no longer causes a crash
gi,7X\`KQ Removing a handler from Database.ObjectAppended then firing the event now generates an error message
*sU,waX 64-Bit
`9 vl-arx-import now functions for namespaces separate from VLX
d.~ns4bt9 i-Drop is operating correctly
G<-KwGy,D Annotation Scaling
k1xx>=md|C When dragging and dropping a named view from the style sheet manager to the host drawing, the annotation scaling features work properly
H"? 5]!p Custom scales which exist in the nested xrefs are no longer duplicated in the host drawing
a5/, O4Q Blocks in the Tool Palettes created from the DesignCenter annotative drawings are now annotative
#Mn?Nn Attributes
6I Multiline attributes no longer shift positions every time drawings are saved and opened
WUie`p The Value field for an attribute definition may now be modified in the Property Palette
,4xNW:!j Blocks
j[:70%X The Y-scale factor of inserted blocks is now scaled accurately
y4jiOhF<d Communication Center
1/?Wa WLXt@dK*u The Communication Center is now enabled by default.
@jV Dashboards
,H"}Rw E*5aLT5!, The dashboard panel configuration is now maintained throughout different workspaces and user sessions
8Pa*d/5Y( Data Extraction
^2$b8]q All dynamic block properties are now correctly extracted
A"M;kzAfHM Dimensions
/} PdO Radial extension arcs may now be disabled, restoring the ability to dimension small radii
J&~I4ko] The In-Place dimension text editor size is now correct
ASoBa&vX Round-off dimension values now appear correctly
faRQj:R8 Dimension breaks no longer cause AutoCAD to hang
98 R/^\ Display
02;'"EmP$ Linetypes now always display properly after zooming operations
_VdJFjY?zc DWG
IrCl\HQN Copy/paste now works in the drawings saved as 2000 and then resaved in AutoCAD 2004, AutoCAD 2005, or AutoCAD 2006
,^c-}`!K E-Transmit
h )Y.jY AutoCAD 2000 and Release 14 file formats are preserved while using ETRANSMIT with the "Keep existing drawing file formats" setting enabled
q!0HsF Fields
HLDv{G'7 Drawing name field now always plots correctly
V)~b+D Hatch
{ObY1Y`ea The BHATCH command boundary detection mechanism has been improved
yO7H!}y_ Image
%IVM1 Image frames are no longer plotted or displayed when IMAGEFRAME is set to 0
lH_pG ~ Layouts
Cj~e` VRhk The ampersand character ("&") may now be entered on the Layout tab
2( GYk Multileader
`Z>=5:+G@2 The location of attributes in multileader block is no longer off-center
4uO88[= Multileader text no longer unexpectedly rotates
^n^$ Multileader attributes are no longer off-center in a rotated UCS
Szu@{lpP@ MText
0AWxU?$A4 MText tabs are now saved correctly to the older DWG formats
N~v<8vJq` Certain Japanese characters are displayed correctly
5Xxdm-0 Portuguese (Iberian and Brazilian) dictionaries now have accented capital letters
?E!M%c@, Open/Save
>wqWIw.w> If multiple drawings are opened in Explorer, only a single instance of AutoCAD containing those drawings will launch
uaP5(hUI Object Snap
-:_3N2U=+ Object snaps now work correctly in blocks
V_$<^z| PDF Export
bvB7d`wx Raster images now plot correctly to PDF
Mj>QV(L8t Performance Tuner
x4kQG e( If there are no new drivers, the "New Driver" bubble does not appear
'@KH@~OzRS Plot
8SroA$^n Plotting performance of rotated MrSID images is improved
] rqx><!
6rE8P# Data linked cell formatting is now correct
:yJ#yad Excel formatting is kept when the paste special (PASTESPEC) command is used
l=P)$O|=w Tool Palette
3%9XJ]Qao Icons are no longer truncated
u{uqK7]+ Visual Styles
^"lEa-g& Erroneous lines and display artifacts no longer show up after multiple zooming operations
ZZkc) @ XREF
J(]b1e Drawings with long reference paths are referenced properly
)Dhx6xM[a Known Issues With This Service Pack
Qo3Enwap= Problem: After applying the Service Pack 1, all dashboard control panels are displayed regardless of the selected workspace.
)xU+M{p-os Workaround: Make the desired workspace current.
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