来自德国的系统调整工具, 它能够让你的系统跑的更顺畅. TuneUp Utilities 的功能应有尽有, 主要工具包括: 系统改造/分析、硬盘/登录文件清理、系统加速、记忆体最佳化、登录文件编辑、软件卸载、工作管理员、文件还原/清理。
to?"{ v<c Hx/ NEW! TuneUp Disk Doctor: Performs a thorough check of hard drives - automatically corrects errors in the file system and disk sectors to keep your data secure
rRt<kTk!U NEW! TuneUp Disk Space Explorer: Uses a targeted approach to identify which files and file groups are taking up valuable disk space on your hard drives
^#t<ILUa IMPROVED! TuneUp System Control: Offers expanded configuration options for Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2 and Office 2007
J2cNwhZ IMPROVED! Improved 1-Click Maintenance: Allows you to perform even more thorough system checks and error correction with a single click
X1'Ze,34 IMPROVED! TuneUp DiskCleaner: Finds additional unnecessary file types and frees more disk space
#&5\1Qu IMPROVED! TuneUp RegistryCleaner: Targets unnecessary entries in the Windows registry using an improved scanning technology and removes them
<%Rr-, Designed for future use with Windows Vista™! Qualifies for a free online update to TuneUp Utilities 2007 for Windows Vista™
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