~=mM/@HD 如下:
M<srJ8|' Error: Object 1 and Object 2 are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 1.
Madaxx Ray 88, level 18 terminated at (-0.481604 0.13786 0.5)
nu<!/O Error: Object 1 and Object 2 are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 1.
j1kc&( Ray 306, level 25 terminated at (0.416805 0.318829 0.5)
'X,V Error: Object 1 and Object 2 are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 1.
)r Ray 369, level 20 terminated at (-0.29887 -0.447525 0.5)
dZgfls Error: Object 1 and Object 2 are overlapping at coincident surfaces Surface 0 and Surface 1.
KxwLKaImI Ray 417, level 18 terminated at (0.147539 0.413616 0.5)
dSZ#,Ea" s-V$N ;LE
@Ezx 其中的surface 0 为 object1的,surface 1为 object 2的,请问是什么问题,该如何解决
~`E4E 谢谢~