2.Use the RSI ray for the upper marginal ray for field 2 to determine the obscurations
%syFHUBw on surfaces 2 and 3 (Hint: look at the ray height on S5). These obscurations make a
aJQx"6c? hole in the corrector to prevent the light from passing through the corrector lens
?0ezr[`. twice.
H(MCY3t ucVWvXCr 3. Use a targeted ray for the negative full field to hit the edge of the obscuration on
m'L7K K-Y) surface 2 to determine the size of the obscuration on surface 1. This obscuration
?PMF]ah prevents ghost images (prevents rays from going through the hole in the corrector
l'~~hQ{h/ lens).
u$3wdZ2&m *@E Itj ` 請各位前輩指點一下 看不太懂它要表達的意思 此為code v使用手冊的一個範例 謝謝
[ 此贴被opticsky在2007-07-18 12:07重新编辑 ]