aTuner是德国3DCenter.de释放出的nVIDIA显示卡调节工具.它可以对nVIDIA GPU的反锯齿、各项异性过滤、垂直刷新同步和MipMap LOD进行调节.
)al]*[lY 软件在启动的时候会要求你打开4x全屏抗锯齿,软件界面非常简单,所有功能都包含其中.在常用的项目中有OpenGL的全屏抗锯齿、各项异性过滤、垂直刷新同步、MipMap LOD和D3D的全屏抗锯齿、各项异性过滤、垂直刷新同步、MipMap LOD调节项目.总的来说,这款软件虽然不像RivaTuner的功能那么强大,但是它还是提供了最常用的调节选项,是一款非常好用的软件.
!_]Y~[ oA7tEu Features:
[`#CXq' * Full hardware- and driver-detection
z\\[S@>pt * Support of any common 3D-hardware from ATI and Nvidia
LiC*@W * Supports up to two monitors on an Nvidia-card via Windows dualmonitoring, TwinView and nView.
2.`\ * Shows all important 3D quality-settings in a single window
\#2Z)Kz * Support of the un-official modes, too
m4[ ;(1 * Shows the most important settings even in the tooltip from the systray
vONasD9At * Easy-to-use alteration of all Bequeme Änderung aller relevant tweak-optionen without to have much click-around
@N>\|!1CC * Self-explaining usage
uanhr)Ys * Does not unnecessarily writes in the registry, but offers a log of all write-actions into the registry.
!hA-_ * Profil-Managment
& TCkpS * Game-Launcher
1jmjg~W * Sys-Info with focus on display devices
=J]&c?I * Designed to be friendly to other tweakers, like RivaTuner
GL>O4S<` * Regular support through the author (fast adaption for new drivers)
WA<v9#m * Freeware
7r_j G*?8MTP8![ 官网: mxvp3t \ 8 `v-<J 官方下载:!aTuner.exe