&+>)H$5 目录 Hxzdxwz%$ 第一章 介绍(Introduction) 20
%Lwd1'C% 1 VirtualLab Fusion 套装(VirtualLab Fusion Packages) 20
Pw_[{ LL 2 VirtualLab Fusion 与拓展工具(VirtualLab Fusion and External Tools) 20
Je~d/,^WU 3 如何使用Manual(How to Use this Manual) 21
A`qb5LLJ) 第二章 用户界面(User Interface) 21
B)`^/^7 4 用户界面结构(Structure of User Interface) 21
1WMwTBHy+ 4.1文档与文档窗口( Documents and Document Windows) 22
{|Pz9a-: 4.2 功能区(Ribbon) 25
KV$J*B Y 4.3 停靠标签(Docking Tabs) 31
IfGQeynj 4.4 状态栏(Status Bar) 32
W9ewj:4\0 4.5 通告栏与通知图标(Notifications and Notify Icon) 33
niIjatT 5 通用控制(Common Controls) 34
B[rxV 5.1输入带单位数值控制( Control for Input of Values with Units) 34
:g[G&Ds8 5.2输入复数数值控制( Control for Input of Complex Values) 37
34P5[j!h 5.3 二维矢量输入控制(Control for Input of Two-Dimensional Vectors) 37
9#AsSbBpf 5.4 二维数组输入控制(Control for Input of Double Arrays) 37
%<Q?|} 5.5 单方向定义控制(Control for Defining a Single Direction) 38
d^<a)>5h 5.6 定义固体方向控制(Control for Defining a Solid’s Orientation) 40
c(<,qWH 5.7 设置文档按钮(Button to Set a Document) 43
$@blP<I 5.8 表格(Tables) 44
P"WnU'+ 5.9 输入数据对控制(Control for Input of Data Pairs) 44
v|v^(P,o 5.10 有效性标志(Validity Indicator) 46
C^x+'. ^N 5.11 颜色映射(Color Mapping) 46
'ehJr/0&g 5.12 定义所使用级次控制(Control for Defining Used Orders) 47
jW-j+WGSM 5.13 编程与数据集控制(Control for Programmable and Databased Input) 48
&i~AXNw 5.14 表面介质顺序预览(Preview for Surface Media Sequences) 48
,vc* 5.15 3D视图(3D View) 49
&G>EBKn\2` 5.16 定义一个ABCD矩阵(Defining an ABCD Matrix) 54
JyX7I,0 6 全局选项对话框(Global Options Dialog) 58
kGZ_/"iuO 6.1 默认设置>建模概述(Default Settings > Modeling Profile) 59
a+CHrnU\; 6.2 默认设置>坐标系(Default Settings > Coordinate Systems) 60
Ur]~>-Z 6.3 默认设置>整体视图设置(Default Settings > General View Settings) 61
uUczD 8y 6.4字体(Default Settings > General View Settings > Font) 61
$LF 6.5显示数
w*Gv#B9G (Default Settings > General View Settings >Display of Numbers) 62
D~xUr)E 6.6
hC.7Z] (Default Settings > General View Settings > Source Code Editor) 63
b:}`O!UBw 6.7 默认设置>文档窗口(Default Settings > Document Windows) 63
C||A[JOS 6.8 默认设置>文档窗口>1D视图
d&p]O (Default Settings > Document Windows > 1D Views) 66
<4W"ne28 6.9 默认设置>文档窗口>2D视图
~OXC6z Default Settings > Document Windows > 2D Views) 67
wO y1i/oj 6.10 默认设置>文档窗口>3D视图
ZL`G<Mo;. (Default Settings > Document Windows > 3D Views) 68
61Nj&1Ze 6.11 默认设置>文档窗口>剩余文档
Hiz e
m! (Default Settings > Document Windows > Legacy Documents) 68
O]n"aAu@ 6.12 默认设置>采样对话框(Default Settings > Sampling Dialog) 69
lq$1CI 6.13 性能(Performance) 69
3d.JV'C'c 6.14 性能>RAM消耗(Performance > RAM Consumption) 70
4><b3r;T' 6.15 性能>多核(Performance > Multi-Core) 71
/AR;O4X+ 6.16 可选对话框(Optional Dialogs) 71
KsGS s9 6.17 文件处理(File Handling) 72
22|f!la8n 6.18 经典场追迹(Classic Field Tracing) 72
OjCT*qyU< 7 编程(Programming) 73
+OF(CcA^ 7.1 光源代码编辑控制器(Source Code Editor Control) 74
Es kh=xA { 7.2 模块视图(Module View) 76
%T UljX K} 7.3 使用Snippets光源代码编辑器(Source Code Editor for Snippets) 78
X?b]5?K;r 7.4 最终用户编程项目(Programmable Items for End Users) 84
m%$z&<! 8. 分布式计算(Distributed Computing) 85
;C%D+"l1g 8.1 服务器工具(Server Tools) 86
R.R(|!w> 8.2 客户端(Clients) 88
KLXv?4! 9 命令行
参数(Command Line Arguments) 90
<v"C`cga 10 授权信息对话框(License Information Dialog) 92
buRXzSR 第三章 结果文档(Result Documents) 94
3R?7&oXvH 11 基本概念(Basic Concepts) 94
Y]b5qguK 11.1 场量(Field Quantity) 94
Hi{c[; 11.2 数值缩放(Value Scaling) 95
QJo) 11.3 标记与选取(Markers and Selections) 101
]do0{I%\eq 11.4 区域(Zoom) 109
11.5 纵横比(Aspect Ratio) 110
_y)#N< 11.6 复制到剪贴板(Copy View to Clipboard) 111
I<.3"F1} 11.7图形附加( Graphics Add-Ons) 112
*&B*/HAN 11.8 抑制数值相位影响(Suppressing Numerical Phase Artifacts) 115
e+=Oj o# 12 谐波场和谐波场设置(Harmonic Fields and Harmonic Fields Sets) 116
`-4c}T 12.1 谐波场数据(Harmonic Field Data) 116
^" ywltW> 13 数据阵列(Data Arrays) 122
JW&/l 13.1 数据阵列类型(Types of Data Arrays) 124
pN&Dpz^ 13.2 插值方法(Interpolation Methods) 125
@3[Z QF 13.3 外推模式(Extrapolation) 127
;tI=xNre`1 13.4 数据阵列输入(Import of Data Arrays) 127
uj&^W[s 13.5 数据阵列视图(Data Array View) 127
9p(s FQ
[ 14 多色场设置视图(Chromatic Fields Set View) 145
!wvP24"y 14.1
波长选择(Wavelength Selection) 145
_"J-P={= 14.2 颜色模式(Color Mode) 146
@ 14.3 最大亮度(Maximum Lightness) 146
!1dCk/D&)8 14.4 工具栏(Toolbar (For the Preview in the Light Sources Catalog)) 148
c\.4I4uy 15 脉冲与光场组件(Pulse and Field Component) 148
I&f 16 对象组合(Set of Objects) 150
A75IG4] 16.1 区域视图与对象选择
i}RxTmG< (The View Area and Switching Between Objects) 150
B{QY-F~ 17
光线分部视图(Ray Distribution View) 151
oj@B'j 17.1 3D视图(3D View) 151
;,Sl+)@h 17.2 2D视图(2D View) 154
@g""*T1:$ 17.3 模式选择(Mode Selection) 158
^o|igyS9 17.4 光线着色(Coloring Rays) 158
TH)gW 18 级次集合视图(Order Collection View) 159
~tDV{ml 19 衍射级次图表(Diffraction Orders Diagrams) 160
"sf8~P9qy 19.1 选择展示的衍射级次(Select Diffraction Orders to Show) 161
/l0\SVwa> 20 动画试图(Animation View) 162
'HkV_d[li 20.1 功能区项目(Ribbon Items) 162
e(@r 20.2 拼接动画(Stitch Animations) 163
F[115/ 20.3 动画选项(Animation Options) [/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td]
9<P1?Q \x)T_]Gcm 164 >va#PFHA 21 区域(Regions) 16521.1 生成2D区域(Generating a 2D Region) 165
J`uV $l: 21.2 生成1D区域Generating a 1D Region 16821.3 区域视图(Region View) 169
ar=uDb; 第四章 操作:数据处理(Manipulations:Processing Data) 17022 复振幅文档操作(Manipulations of Complex Amplitude Documents) 170
[1dlV/ 22.1 数组-数组操作(Array - Array Operations) 17022.2 常数运算(Operations with Constant) 172
F^&_O*" 22.3 场量操作(Field Quantity Operations) 17322.4 幅度/实部操作(Amplitude / Real Part Manipulations) 173
d~O\zLQ; 22.5 相位操作(Phase Manipulations) 17422.6 侧向位移(Lateral Displacement) 176
znFa4 22.7 数组大小操作(Array Size Manipulations) 17622.8 采样操作(Sampling Manipulations) 178
&BCl>^wn} 22.9 选择相关操作(Selection Related Operations) 18122.10 偏振变化(Polarization Change) 182
Yc /rjEn7O 22.11 杂项(Miscellaneous) 18622.12 转换(Conversions) 188
=wPl;SDf! 22.13 傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform) 18923 谐波场操作(Manipulations of Harmonic Fields Sets) 189
MI!C% 23.1 采样操作(Sampling Manipulations) 18923.2 提取工具(Extraction Tools) 189
{Aj}s3v 23.3 成员谐波场(Accessing the Members of a Harmonic Fields Set) 19323.4 转换(Conversions) 194
5X nA.?F^ 23.5 傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform) 19424 数据数组操作(Manipulations of Data Arrays) 194
tH2y:o72 24.1 不同类型的数据数组操作(Manipulations for Different Types of Data Arrays) 194
?W9$= 24.2 子集处理(Handling of Subsets) 19524.3 原始数据或复制数据操作
-JaC~v(0 (Manipulate a Data Copy or the Original Data?) 19524.4 坐标和插值设置(Editing the Coordinate and Interpolation Settings) 195
Bh"o{-$p8` 24.5 子集设置(Editing Subsets) 19724.6 数组-数组操作(Array-Array Operations) 199
B@A3T8' 24.7 使用常数操作(Operations with Constant) 20124.8 场量操作(Field Quantity Operations) 202
yiSv#wD9 24.9 数值缩放(Value Scaling) 20324.10 相位操作(Phase Manipulations) 203
QL<? 24.11 横向位移(Lateral Displacement) 20424.12 数组大小操作(Array Size Manipulations) 204
9EK5#_L[= 24.13 采样操作(Sampling Manipulations) 20624.14 选择区域相关操作(Selection Related Operations) 207
'F?T4 24.15 杂项(Miscellaneous) 21024.16 设置单数据点(Editing Single Data Points) 211
%rzC+=*; 24.17 转换(Conversions) 21224.18 傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform) 212
i(2s"Uww, 24.19 图形附加(Graphics Add-on) 21224.20 专家模式(Expert Mode) 212
SI*O#K=w 25 多色谐波场操作(Manipulation of Chromatic Fields Sets) 21225.1 选择相关操作(Selection Related Operations) 212
41^+T<+ 25.2 转换(Conversions) 21325.3 图形附加(Graphics Add-on) 213
#)tt}GX 25.4 专家模式(Expert Mode) 21326 脉冲和光场元件操作(Manipulations of Pulse and Field Components) 213
C\j|+s 26.1 数组大小操作(Array Size Manipulations) 21326.2 转换(Conversions) 213
4E J 26.3 傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform) 21326.4 图形附加(Graphics Add-on) 214
,*Tf9=z 27 级次集合操作(Manipulation of Order Collections) 21427.1 选择相关操作(Selection Related Operations) 214
X.}:gU- 27.2转换( Conversions) 21428 区域操作(Manipulations of Regions) 214
- ~T LI&[ 28.1 编辑区域(Edit Regions) 21428.2 选择相关操作(Selection Related Operations) 214
ZTVX5"#Q 28.3 转换(Conversions) 21429 数据数组操作(Manipulation of Sets of Data Arrays) 215
gb|C592R5C 29.1 选择相关操作(Selection Related Operations) 21529.2 转换(Conversions) 215
vkOCyi?c 29.3 图形附加(Graphics Add-on) 21530 转换(Conversions) 215
BYyR-m 30.1 复振幅文档转换(Conversions for Complex Amplitude Documents) 21530.2 谐波场集转换(Conversions for Harmonic Fields Sets) 216
ib0M$Y1tIS 30.3 数据数组转换(Conversions for Data Arrays) 21730.4 多色场转换(Conversion for Chromatic Fields Sets) 221
=m:xf&r# 30.5 脉冲和场组件转换(Conversions for Pulse and Field Components) 22130.6 级次集转换(Conversion for Order Collections) 221
*@S:f"i 30.7 区域转换(Conversion for Regions) 22230.8 数据数组集转换(Conversions for Sets of Data Arrays) 222
,H2[["1DH 31 傅里叶变换(Fourier Transforms) 22331.1 傅里叶变换(空间域)(Fourier Transform (Space)) 223
R^<li;Km 31.2 傅里叶变换(瞬时)(Fourier Transform (Temporal)) 22432 图形附加(Graphics Add-Ons) 225
"Up3W%]SB 32.1 添加区域(Add Region) 22532.2 添加点云(Add Point Cloud) 225
32.3 添加椭圆偏振(Add Polarization Ellipses) 22532.4 添加列表(Edit List) 226
-[|R\'i 第五章 分类(Catalogs) 22733 分类对话框(Catalogs Dialog) 227
'0[D-jEr 33.1 指定名称和类别(Specify Name and Categories) 22933.2 输出分类文件(Export to Catalog File) 229
#pErGz'{ 33.3 输入分类文件(Import from Catalog File) 23033.4 输入旧版VirtualLab Fusion 分类
Jv %,v? (Import of Catalogs of Older VirtualLab Fusion Versions) 23133.5 提取介质中存放的材料或膜层(Extraction of Materials stored in Media or Coatings) 232
2)Grl;T]s 34 分类的应用(Application of Catalog Entries) 23234.1 载入和编辑分类(Load and Edit of Catalog Entries) 232
JZNRMxu 34.2 应用膜层(Application of Coatings) 23334.3 材料应用(Application of Materials) 234
B?`Gs^Y{z 第六章 新建块:介质,材料,表面,…(Building Blocks:Media, Materials,Surfaces, …) 234
A7 qyv0F 35
光学表面(Optical Surfaces) 23535.1 光学表面的编辑对话框(Edit Dialog for Optical Surfaces) 236
-Id4P _y 35.2 表面类型(Surface Types) 24435.3 表面视图(Surface View) 266
6.ASLH3# 36 光学镀膜(Optical Coatings) 26636.1 光学镀膜类型(Types of Optical Coatings)
[ma'11?G [table=772][tr][td][table=712,#ffffff,,0][tr][td] 267
p$f)' 36.2 定义和编辑光学镀膜(Defining and Editing Optical Coatings) 26736.3 涂层视图(Coating View) 271
}KEyJj3"DA 37 光学介质(Optical Media) 27637.1 编辑非均匀光学介质的普通控制
d`5xd@p (Common Controls for Editing Inhomogeneous Optical Media) 27637.2 介质视图(Medium View) 277
-hiG8%l5 37.3 光学介质类型(Optical Media Types) 28238 材料(Materials) 302
hs4]! 38.1 使用材料(Using Materials) 30238.2 定义和编辑材料(Defining and Editing Materials) 303
CH[U.LJQ-O 38.3 材料视图(Material View) 30738.4 光源材料数据(Material Data Sources) 310
"-88bF~ 39 光学堆栈(Optical Stacks) 31039.1 光学堆栈使用准则(Usage Principle of Optical Stacks) 310
0/S|h"-L 39.2 编辑堆栈对话框(Edit Dialog for Stacks) 31339.3 堆栈工具(Stack Tools) 315
5 >S#ew 40 表面布局(Surface Layouts) 31640.1 单元格阵列(Cells Arrays) 316
SMY,bU'a 40.2 任意表面布局(Arbitrary Surface Layouts) 32141 边界响应(Boundary Responses) 324
LuM:dJ 41.1 边界响应编辑对话框(Edit Dialog for Boundary Responses) 32541.2 边界响应视图(Boundary Response View) 327
?n)d: )Ud" 41.3 边界响应类型(Types of Boundary Responses) 32842 表面区域(Surface Regions) 340
NGcd 42.1 光栅区域(Grating Regions) 340第七章 分析:
光学系统评估(Analyzers:Evaluating Optical Systems) 351
c>#T\AEkF 43 光学设置(Optical Setup) 35143.1 光学设置视图(Optical Setup View) 352
?`bi8 Ck 43.2 光学设置编辑器(Optical Setup Editor) 35543.3 光学设置功能区(Optical Setup Ribbon) 359
~[l6;bn 43.4 通过光学设置传输(Propagating Through an Optical Setup) 36543.5 参数提取(Parameter Extraction) 390
%:ALJ 43.6 工具(Tools) 39143.7 参数概述树(Parameter Overview Tree) 408
h+<vWo}H 43.8 位置(Positions) 40843.9 通道配置(Channel Configuration) 419
;gLHSHEA 43.10 参数耦合(Parameter Coupling) 42043.11 特殊光学设置(Specific Optical Setups) 423
M{cF14cQ 44 参数运行(Parameter Run) 42444.1 参数运行文件功能区(Ribbon of the Parameter Run Document) 425
cVYDO*N2T 44.2 参数规范页面(Parameter Specification Page) 42644.3 参数可视化页面(Parameter Visualization Page) 429
dmI~$* 44.4 探测器页面规范(Detecting Devices Specification) 43044.5 结果页面(Results Page) 431
mSF>~D1_ 44.6 迭代文件(Iteration Document) 44445 局部线性光栅近似结果生成器(LLGA Results Generator) 444
OC34@YUj[ 46 显示查找表结果生成器(LUT Results Generator) 44647 绘画编辑器(Session Editors) 447
q[4 47.1 衍射光学包中会话编辑器的注释(Annotations for Session Editors in the Diffractive Optics Package) 447第八章 光源:场的生成(Sources:Generating Fields) 451