h`%K\C X.s?=6}g p)tac*US h_ ]3L/ 0[D5]mcv @Risabn sVkR7
^KsG %e7{ke}r MV$>|^'em !gy'_Y uGl0z79 G"MpA[a_ N(&FATZUW /db?ltb ZPL程序代码如下:
Iz ao{>.b ! ex30401
8)rv.'A((E ! This program shows how to create a doublet from scratch
t@.gmUUA E yNI]XEj ! set system parameters
:G^`LyOM SYSP 30, 0 # set lens unit as mm
Hh;w\)/%j W~k!qy ` SYSP 10, 0 # set system aperture as Entrance Pupil Diameter
^&&dO*0{ SYSP 11, 50 # set system aperture value as 50mm
DHt 8 f %~p_bKd~ SYSP 201, 3 # set total wavelength number as 3
ZX-9BJ`Q SYSP 202, 1, 0.48613270 # set the 1st wavelength as 0.48613270 micron
.ET;wK SYSP 202, 2, 0.58756180 # set the 2nd wavelength as 0.58756180 micron
eiEZtu SYSP 202, 3, 0.65627250 # set the 3rd wavelength as 0.65627250 micron
pw>AQ SYSP 203, 1, 1 # set the 1st wavelength weight as 1
H.idL6*G SYSP 203, 2, 1 # set the 2nd wavelength weight as 1
#j-,#P@ SYSP 203, 3, 1 # set the 3rd wavelength weight as 1
~n[LL)v -(cm SYSP 200, 2 # set the 2nd wavelength as the primary wavelength
JF{,;&sj T]^F%D% SYSP 100, 0 # set the field type as angle
<Dm6CH SYSP 101, 3 # set the total field number as 3
20?i4h_ SYSP 102, 1, 0 # set field 1 as x=0 degree
EE}NA{b SYSP 103, 1, 0 # set field 1 as y=0 degree
Y ga}8DU SYSP 104, 1, 1 # set field 1 as weight=1
}0 <x4|= SYSP 102, 2, 0 # set field 2 as x=0 degree
A^ ,(Vyd SYSP 103, 2, 3.5 # set field 2 as y=3.5 degree
=~=/ d q SYSP 104, 2, 1 # set field 2 as weight=1
WP]<\_r2 SYSP 102, 3, 0 # set field 3 as x=0 degree
=AD/5E,3 SYSP 103, 3, 5 # set field 3 as y=5 degree
b SYSP 104, 3, 1 # set field 3 as weight=1
T@yH.4D tB_ V%qH ! set surface 1 as stop
j%p~.kW5 CCEx>*E6c ! insert 3 surfcaces after stop
ik$wS#1+L INSERT 2
!'{j"tv INSERT 2
s=%HT fw INSERT 2
Z;>~<#!4 ,6M-xSDs ! set surface parameters
s`#hk^{ SURP 1, THIC, 275 # set surface 1 thickness as 275
+W;B8^imG e-e{-pB6 SURP 2, TYPE, "STANDARD" # set surface 2 type as "STANDARD",can be omitted
;*Rajq SURP 2, COMM, "front f1" # set surface 2 comment
\^#1~Kx SURP 2, CURV, 1/600 # set surface 2 curvature as 1/600
izC>- SURP 2, THIC, 18 # set surface 2 thickness as 18
SURP 2, GLAS, "BK7" # set surface 2 glass type as BK7
WN?T*bz2 dlT\VWMha( SURP 3, COMM, "back f1/front f2" # set surface 3 comment
tjd"05"@: SURP 3, CURV, -1/115 # set surface 3 curvature as -1/115
ESomw SURP 3, THIC, 18 # set surface 3 thickness as 18
:.35pp,0 SURP 3, GLAS, "F2" # set surface 3 glass type as F2
$AXz/fGV {?!hUi+ SURP 4, COMM, "back f2" # set surface 4 comment
19N:9;Ixz SURP 4, CURV, -1/243 # set surface 4 curvature as -1/243
p9s~WD/K SURP 4, THIC, 395 # set surface 4 thickness as 395
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